Engage students with active learning. Mastering® provides access to trusted content built for today's digital learners. You can teach your course using customisable digital tools, features and assessments that improve student results.
Published by Pearson (October 7, 2021) © 2022
For courses in two-semester general chemistry.
Accurate, data-driven authorship with expanded interactivity leads to greater student engagement
Unrivaled problem sets, notable scientific accuracy and currency, and remarkable clarity have made Chemistry: The Central Science the leading general chemistry text for more than a decade. Trusted, innovative, and calibrated, the text increases conceptual understanding and leads to greater student success in general chemistry by building on the expertise of the dynamic author team of leading researchers and award-winning teachers.
Pearson MasteringTMChemistry is not included. Students, if Mastering is are commended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.
Mastering is an online homework tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
Chemistry: The Central Science, 15th Edition uses relevant content to engage students throughout the learning process, building skills that allow them to go beyond recall to effectively solve problems and visualize the atomic nature of the chemistry.
MasteringTMChemistry is not included. Students, if Mastering is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.
· NEW! Dynamic Study Modules help students study effectively on their own by continuously assessing their activity and performance in real time.
o Students complete a set of questions with a unique answer format that also asks them to indicate their confidence level. Questions repeat until the student can answer them all correctly and confidently. These are available as graded assignments prior to class and are accessible on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
o Topics include key math skills such as significant figures and scientific notation, as well as general chemistry concepts such as understanding matter, chemical reactions, and understanding the periodic table & atomic structure. Topics can be added or removed to match your coverage.
· The Chemistry Primer helps students remediate their chemistry math skills and prepare for their first college chemistry course.
· Learning CatalyticsTM helps instructors generate class discussion, customize lectures, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. This student response tool uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking.
o Upload a full PowerPoint® deck for easy creation of slide questions.
o Helps students develop critical thinking skills.
o Allows instructors to monitor responses to find out where students are struggling.
o Instructors can rely on real-time data to adjust teaching strategy.
o Automatically group students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning.
· End-of-Chapter Questions
MasteringTMChemistry is not included. Students, if Mastering is arecommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor forthe correct ISBN and course ID. Mastering should only be purchased whenrequired by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for moreinformation.
· TheChemistry Primer helps students remediate their chemistry math skills andprepare for their first college chemistry course.
o Pre-builtAssignments getstudents up to speed at the beginning of the course.
o Mathis covered in the context of chemistry, basic chemical literacy,balancing chemical equations, mole theory, and stoichiometry.
o Scaledto students’ needs,remediation is only suggested to students that perform poorly on an initialproblem.
o Remediation includes tutorials, wrong-answer specific feedback, videoinstruction, and step-wise scaffolding to build students’ abilities.
· DynamicStudy Modules help students study effectively on their own by continuouslyassessing their activity and performance in real time.
o Here'show it works: students complete a set of questions with a unique answer formatthat also asks them to indicate their confidence level. Questions repeat untilthe student can answer them all correctly and confidently. These are availableas graded assignments prior to class and are accessible on smartphones,tablets, and computers.
o Topics include key math skills such as significant figures and scientificnotation, as well as general chemistry concepts such as understanding matter,chemical reactions, and understanding the periodic table & atomicstructure.
· LearningCatalyticsTM helps instructors generate class discussion, customizelectures, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Thisstudent response tool uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engagethem in more interactive tasks and thinking.
o Uploada full PowerPoint® deckfor easy creation of slide questions.
o Helpsstudents develop critical thinking skills.
o Allowsinstructors to monitor responses to find out where students are struggling.
o Instructorscan rely on real-time data to adjust teaching strategy.
o Automaticallygroup students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning.
· End-of-ChapterQuestions are enhanced with Wrong Answer Specific Feedback to providecoaching feedback to help students learn from their mistakes while completingtheir homework.
· NEW! Select Interactive Sample Exercises in the MasteringChemistry Item Library for this title feature videos taking the student throughthe corresponding sample exercise. These are linked to Practice Questionsenhanced with feedback.
NEW! Ready-to-Go Modules for the book include moduleson specific organic-chemistry content presented in-depth for the first timewith the GE. These provide ready-made content on select topics to help theinstructor introduce a concept to their students
1. Introduction:Matter, Energy, and Measurement
2. Atoms, Molecules,and Ions
3. Chemical Reactionsand Reaction Stoichiometry
4. Reactions in AqueousSolution
5. Thermochemistry
6. Electronic Structureof Atoms
7. Periodic Propertiesof the Elements
8. Basic Concepts ofChemical Bonding
9. Molecular Geometryand Bonding Theories
10. Gases
11. Liquids and IntermolecularForces
12. Solids and ModernMaterials
13. Properties of Solutions
14. Chemical Kinetics
15. Chemical Equilibrium
16. Acid—Base Equilibria
17. Additional Aspects of AqueousEquilibria
18. Chemistry of theEnvironment
19. Chemical Thermodynamics
20. Electrochemistry
21. Nuclear Chemistry
22. Chemistry of the Nonmetals
23. Transition Metals andCoordination Chemistry
24. TheChemistry of Organic Compounds
25. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds
26. Chemistry of Alkenes and Alkynes
27. Alcohols, Haloalkanes, and Ethers
28. Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carbohydrates
29. Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives
30. Benzene and its Derivatives
31. Nitrogen-Containing Organic Compounds
32. Solving Molecular Structure
Mathematical Operations
Properties of Water
Thermodynamic Quantities for SelectedSubstances at 298.15 K (25ο C)
Aqueous Equilibrium Constants
Standard Reduction Potentials at 25ο C
Answers to Selected Exercises
Answers to Go Figure
Answer to Selected Practice Exercises
Photo and Art Credits
THEODORE L. BROWN received hisPh.D. from Michigan State University in 1956. Since then, he has been a memberof the faculty of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is nowProfessor of Chemistry, Emeritus. He served as Vice Chancellor for Research,and Dean of The Graduate College, from 1980 to 1986, and as Founding Directorof the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technologyfrom 1987 to 1993. Professor Brown has been an Alfred P. Sloan FoundationResearch Fellow and has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. In 1972 he wasawarded the American Chemical Society Award for Research in Inorganic Chemistryand received the American Chemical Society Award for Distinguished Service inthe Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry in 1993. He has been elected a Fellow ofthe American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academyof Arts and Sciences, and the American Chemical Society.
H. EUGENE LEMAY, JR., received his B.S. degreein Chemistry from Pacific Lutheran University (Washington) and his Ph.D.inChemistry in 1966 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He thenjoined the faculty of the University of Nevada, Reno, where he is currentlyProfessor of Chemistry, Emeritus. He has enjoyed Visiting Professorships at theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, at the University College of Walesin Great Britain, and at the University of California, Los Angeles. ProfessorLeMay is a popular and effective teacher, who has taught thousands of studentsduring more than 40 years of university teaching. Known for the clarity of hislectures and his sense of humor, he has received several teaching awards,including the University Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award (1991) and thefirst Regents’ Teaching Award given by the State of Nevada Board of Regents (1997).
BRUCE E. BURSTEN received his Ph.D.in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1978. After two years as aNational Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at Texas A&M University, hejoined the faculty of The Ohio State University, where he rose to the rank ofDistinguished University Professor. In 2005, he moved to the University ofTennessee, Knoxville, as Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Dean of theCollege of Arts and Sciences. Professor Bursten has been a Camille and HenryDreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ResearchFellow, and he is a Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancementof Science and the American Chemical Society. At Ohio State he has received theUniversity Distinguished Teaching Award in 1982 and 1996, the Arts and SciencesStudent Council Outstanding Teaching Award in 1984, and the UniversityDistinguished Scholar Award in 1990. He received the Spiers Memorial Prize andMedal of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2003, and the Morley Medal of theCleveland Section of the American Chemical Society in 2005. He was President ofthe American Chemical Society for 2008. In addition to his teaching and serviceactivities, Professor Bursten’s research program focuses on compounds of thetransition-metal and actinide elements.
CATHERINE J. MURPHY received twoB.S. degrees, one in Chemistry and one in Biochemistry, from the University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign, in 1986. She received her Ph.D. in Chemistry fromthe University of Wisconsin in 1990. She was a National Science Foundation andNational Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Instituteof Technology from 1990 to 1993. In 1993, she joined the faculty of theUniversity of South Carolina, Columbia, becoming the Guy F. Lipscomb Professorof Chemistry in 2003. In 2009 she moved to the University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, as the Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor ofChemistry. Professor Murphy has been honored for both research and teaching asa Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ResearchFellow, a Cottrell Scholar of the Research Corporation, a National ScienceFoundation CAREER Award winner, and a subsequent NSF Award for SpecialCreativity. She has also received a USC Mortar Board Excellence in TeachingAward, the USC Golden Key Faculty Award for Creative Integration of Researchand Undergraduate Teaching, the USC Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate TeachingAward, and the USC Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Since 2006,Professor Murphy has served as a Senior Editor for the Journal of PhysicalChemistry. In 2008 she was elected a Fellow of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science. Professor Murphy’s research program focuses on thesynthesis and optical properties of inorganic nanomaterials, and on the localstructure and dynamics of the DNA double helix.
PATRICK M. WOODWARD received B.S. degreesin both Chemistry and Engineering from Idaho State University in 1991.Hereceived a M.S. degree in Materials Science and a Ph.D. in Chemistry fromOregon State University in 1996. He spent two years as a post-doctoralresearcher in the Department of Physics at Brookhaven National Laboratory.In1998, he joined the faculty of the Chemistry Department at The Ohio StateUniversity where he currently holds the rank of Professor. He has enjoyedvisiting professorship sat the University of Bordeaux in France and the Universityof Sydney in Australia. Professor Woodward has been an Alfred P. SloanFoundation Research Fellow and a National Science Foundation CAREER Award winner.He currently serves as an Associate Editor to the Journal of Solid StateChemistry and as the director of the Ohio REEL program, an NSF-funded centerthat works to bring authentic research experiments into the laboratories offirst- and second-year chemistry classes in 15 colleges and universities acrossthe state of Ohio. Professor Woodward’s research program focuses on understandingthe links between bonding, structure, and properties of solid-state inorganicfunctional materials.
MATTHEW W. STOLTZFUS received his B.S.degree in Chemistry from Millersville University in 2002 and his Ph. D. inChemistry in2007 from The Ohio State University. He spent two years as ateaching postdoctoral assistant for the Ohio REEL program, an NSF-funded centerthat works to bring authentic research experiments into the general chemistrylab curriculum in 15 colleges and universities across the state of Ohio. In2009, he joined the faculty of Ohio State where he currently holds the positionof Chemistry Lecturer. In addition to lecturing general chemistry, Stoltzfusaccepted the Faculty Fellow position for the Digital First Initiative,inspiring instructors to offer engaging digital learning content to studentsthrough emerging technology. Through this initiative, he developed an iTunesUgeneral chemistry course, which has attracted over 120,000 students from all overthe world. Stoltzfus has received several teaching awards, including theinaugural Ohio State University2013 Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teachingby a Lecturer and he is recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator.
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Engage students with active learning. Mastering® provides access to trusted content built for today's digital learners. You can teach your course using customisable digital tools, features and assessments that improve student results.
Extend learning beyond the classroom. Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook. It lets students customise how they study and learn with enhanced search and the ability to create flashcards, highlight and add notes all in one place. The mobile app lets students learn wherever life takes them, offline or online.
With Mastering®, you can use your experiences to combine interactive resources and real-world examples, helping students master challenging material, and gain the confidence they need to succeed — both in and out of the classroom.