Change Your Life with NLP: The Powerful Way To Make Your Whole Life Better, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson Life (December 1, 2010) © 2011

  • Lindsey Agness The Change Corporation
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There is a brighter future ahead of you – and it starts right here, right now.

It doesn’t matter how your life has been so far. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in the past. All that matters is now. Change can happen in an instant and making changes, even really big ones, can be much less scary than you might imagine. All you need is to change your thinking - and this book explains how.

Change Your Life with NLP uses powerful tools and techniques from the tried and tested field of neuro linguistic programming to reveal how you’ve got to where you are and what might be holding you back or stopping good things happening.

 You can use NLP to:

-         determine what you want in life

-         find the perfect partner or career

-         boost your confidence

-         increase your happiness

-         banish anxiety

-         drop bad habits

-         lose weight (and keep it off)

-         get out of debt

-         improve your relationships with everybody

 and much, much more. In fact, once you understand what’s going on in your unconscious mind, and have shifted your thinking, every area of your life will start to benefit!

This new edition includes three brand new chapters on using NLP for influence and persuasion, becoming more self-aware and identifying and understanding your priorities.


About the author

Introduction – could your life be better?

The ultimate test

1          What can NLP do for me?           

2          Are you in the Grey Zone?          

3          What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?  

4          Focus on what you want

5          Who am I?

6          Results or excuses? Taking responsibility for what you really want     

7          Believe you can     

8          You have all you need to succeed       

9          Influencing with integrity

10        Step up with feedback     

11        Get started

12        Do you want it or what?  


      The moment of truth

      What next?  

      Reading and films list


Appendix 1: My meta programmes

Appendix 2: The language used by different representational systems

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