Case Studies in Preparation for the California Reading Competency Test, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (February 3, 2011) © 2012

  • Joanne C. Rossi Notre Dame DeNamur University
  • Beth E. Schipper California State University, Fullerton



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·         The unique approach features case studies at each grade level covering all domains, concepts, strategies, and assessments required by RICA®.

·         Answers to the case study questions cover the strengths, needs, and strategies for each case.

·         Model narratives appear throughout to help candidates become familiar with the format used on the RICA®.

·         Assessments are included for a variety of groups of students, such as English language learners, struggling readers, and those with special needs.

·         The organization matches the new Content Specifications for the RICA®:

in an effort to make teacher preparation for the RICA® exam fit the competencies for reading language arts. The domains have been changed to the following order with a corresponding chapter in the book:

1.       Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction Based on Ongoing Assessment

2.       Word Analysis

3.       Fluency (new)

4.       Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge

5.       Comprehension

·         NEW! The new Chapter 3, Fluency, contains new and adapted case studies to develop and assess fluency.

·         NEW! A new set of Multiple Choice questions has been added to the new Chapter 3.

·         NEW! Within the domains, the emphasis of concepts has been changed to meet the needs of the full range of individual learners in the classroom, such as advanced learners, English language learners, struggling readers, and those with special needs. While these learners and their unique challenges have always been included in the cases, now the struggling and special needs students are specified.

·         NEW! Assessment is now included within each domain, integrated within each chapter and in several multiple choice questions.

·         NEW! The focus on new concepts or new terminology ensures that these concepts or terms are included in the appropriate corresponding case study.

·         NEW! New multiple choice questions have been added and the pre-existing questions have been re-organized into the appropriate chapter.

·         NEW! A significant number of new terms have been added to the list of Master Terms.

·         NEW! The References have been updated and streamlined to match the chapters reflected in the specifications.


Domain I: Planning and Organizing Reading Instruction Based

on Ongoing Assessment

Content Area 1: Conducting Ongoing Assessment of Reading Development

1.1 Principles of assessment

1.2 Assessing reading levels

1.3 Using and communicating assessment results

Content Area 2: Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction

2.1 Factors involved in planning reading instruction

2.2 Organizing and managing reading instruction

Domain II: Developing Phonological and Other Linguistic

Processes Related to Reading

Content Area 3: Phonemic Awareness

3.1 Assessing phonemic awareness

3.2 The role of phonemic awareness

3.3 Developing phonemic awareness

Content Area 4: Concepts About Print

4.1 Assessing concepts about print

4.2 Concepts about print

4.3 Letter recognition

Content Area 5: Systematic, Explicit Phonics and Other Word Identification


5.1 Assessing phonics and other word identification strategies

5.2 Explicit phonics instruction

5.3 Developing fluency

5.4 Word identification strategies

5.5 Sight words

5.6 Terminology


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Content Area 6: Spelling Instruction

6.1 Assessing spelling

6.2 Systematic spelling instruction

6.3 Spelling instruction in context

Domain III: Developing Reading Comprehension and Promoting

Independent Reading

Content Area 7: Reading Comprehension

7.1 Assessing reading comprehension

7.2 Fluency and other factors affecting comprehension

7.3 Facilitating comprehension

7.4 Different levels of comprehension

7.5 Comprehension strategies

Content Area 8: Literary Response and Analysis

8.1 Assessing literary response and analysis

8.2 Responding to literature

8.3 Literary analysis

Content Area 9: Content Area Literacy

9.1 Assessing content area literacy

9.2 Different types of texts and purposes for reading

9.3 Study skills

Content Area 10: Student Independent Reading

10.1 Encouraging independent reading

10.2 Supporting at-home reading

Domain IV: Supporting Reading Through Oral and Written

Language Development

Content Area 11: Relationships Among Reading, Writing, and Oral Language

11.1 Assessing oral and written language

11.2 Oral language development

11.3 Written language development

11.4 Supporting English language learners

Content Area 12: Vocabulary Development

12.1 Assessing vocabulary knowledge

12.2 Increasing vocabulary knowledge

12.3 Strategies for gaining and extending meanings of words

Content Area 13: Structure of the English Language

13.1 Assessing English language structures

13.2 Differences between written and oral English

13.3 Applying knowledge of the English language to improve reading

Joanne C. Rossi and Beth E. Schipper

Between them, the authors have over 60 years of experience in the field of reading and language arts as classroom teachers, reading specialists, curriculum consultants, clinicians, administrators, college professors and administrators, and supervisors of student teachers. In the past 20 years, a major focus of the authors’ work has been in the research and instruction of language arts assessment in elementary and high school districts. They are also the authors of the book Portfolios in the Classrooms: Tools for Learning and Instruction. Joanne Rossi is at Notre Dame DeNamur University and Beth E. Schipper is at California State University, Fullerton.

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