Canadian Writer's World, The: Paragraphs and Essays, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson Canada (January 5, 2018) © 2019

  • Lynne Gaetz College Lionel-Groulx, Canada
  • Suneeti Phadke St. Jerome College
  • Rhonda Sandberg George Brown College
  • Lara Sauer George Brown College
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The Canadian Writer’s World: Paragraphs & Essays builds on the success of Lynn Gaetz, Suneeti Phadke, and Rhonda Sandberg’s ground-breaking first edition. The authors’ innovative instruction addresses the diverse needs of today’s students, seamlessly integrating materials for native and nonnative speakers, with a design that grabs students’ attention and illustrates concepts. The text’s exercises and activities encourage active participation in the learning process.

  1. Exploring
  2. Developing
  3. Revising and Editing
  4. Illustration
  5. Narration
  6. Description
  7. Process
  8. Definition
  9. Classification
  10. Comparison and Contrast
  11. Cause and Effect
  12. Argument
  13. Writing the Essay
  14. Essay Patterns
  15. Enhancing Your Writing with Research
  16. Simple Sentences
  17. Compound Sentences
  18. Complex Sentences
  19. Sentence Variety
  20. Fragments
  21. Run-Ons
  22. Faculty Parallel Structure
  23. Present and Past Tenses
  24. Past Participles
  25. Other Verb Forms
  26. Subject-Verb Agreement
  27. Tense Consistency
  28. Nouns, Determiners, and Prepositions
  29. Pronouns
  30. Adjectives and Adverbs
  31. Mistakes with Modifiers
  32. Exact Language
  33. Spelling and Commonly Confused Words
  34. Commas
  35. The Apostrophe, Quotation Marks, and Titles
  36. Capitalization and Other Punctuation Marks
  37. Editing Paragraphs and Essays
  38. From Readings to Writing

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