Atando cabos: Curso intermedio de espaƱol, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (August 10, 2016) Ā© 2017

  • MarĆ­a GonzĆ”lez-Aguilar Ecole Poly Technique
  • Marta Rosso-O'Laughlin Tufts University

Recognizing that students enter the Intermediate Spanish course with varying levels in ability, Atando cabos ā€œties up the loose endsā€ from first-year Spanish as it exposes students to dynamic new materials. Focusing on the significance of culture and interpersonal communication in learning a foreign language, this text is comprised of high-interest, relevant themes that motivate critical thinking and classroom discussions. Concentrating on the development of basic skills ā€” listening, speaking, reading and writing, with an equal emphasis on fluency and accuracy ā€” this text teaches students to express, interpret, and negotiate meaning in context while learning to analyze, compare, contrast, and appreciateĀ Hispanic cultures

The student text consists of two separate, but coordinated, parts. The first part, the core of the text, contains twelve thematically organized chapters. Each chapter offers contextualized vocabulary presentations, vocabulary development activities, grammatical explanations specific to the second year, communicative activities to review particular grammar points that are contextualized in the reading selection and/or in the vocabulary presentation, a section on the functions of language devoted to developing sociolinguistic awareness, a wealth of readings, and strategies for better reading and writing.
The second part, called Cabos sueltos, is a review of the basic grammatical structures that are usually covered during the first year of study. It prepares students to engage with the second-year grammar topics presented in the core of the textbook. Cabos sueltos provides clear grammar coverage and helps instructors tailor instruction and review to individual students.

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The Fifth Edition remains faithful to the original goals of the Atando cabos program, which have made it so popular at so many colleges and universities across North America. It continues to focus on the needs of learners in third- and/or fourth-semester Spanish courses.

ā€¢ Content-based Approach.Instructors and students will find a wide variety of topics that will hold their interest while they practice the language.
ā€¢ Four-skills in Support of Communication. The basic skillsā€“listening, speaking, reading, and writingā€“are taught as building blocks that lead to higher proficiency and better communication. Students learn to express, interpret, and negotiate meaning in context, supported by clear grammatical explanations and charts.

ā€¢ Development of Sociolinguistic Competence. Atando cabos seeks to develop both fluency and accuracy, while fostering the studentā€™s ability to function within Hispanic cultures. Sociolinguistic competence is given a special place; it serves as a springboard to the world outside of the classroom.
ā€¢ Focus on the 5 Cā€™s of the National Standards. Fully integrated, cultural information and authentic materials facilitate the learning process. All activities are designed to either increase cultural awareness or help students personalize and relate the material to their own experiences.

ā€¢ Opportunities for personalized learning. Atando cabos addresses the main challenge encountered at the intermediate level; the wide range of language ability that students present at this stage of learning Spanish. Our learner-centered approach tackles the ā€œloose endsā€ students normally bring to the classroom that need to be tied up during the course of the second year of language learning, and then allows them the freedom to work individually on selected areas. Furthermore, the program offers instructors a rich array of resources from which they can choose to create a course that addresses their studentsā€™ unique needs.
ā€¢Ā Ā Consistent recycling of vocabulary and grammar structures throughout the text.Ā Uses constant reinforcement to help students learn and retain all phases of vocabulary and grammar.

ā€¢ Cultural Tours. Featuring high-impact images and short-recorded narrations these highlight important topics of interest previously presented in the En contexto section of each chapter. At the end of the tour, students are asked to complete a cross-cultural comparison activity in class.

ā€¢ New readings and poems. Several reading selections have been replaced in the chapters on conscious capitalism, frienship, prejudice, and travel. To introduce students to a broader range of Hispanic authors from varying periods and countries, some poems have been replaced. Atando cabos now features prominent poets such as Marjorie AgosĆ­n, Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Cardenal, Julio CotĆ”zar, Gloria Fuertes, Juan Goytisolo, Pablo Neruda, Antonio Orihuela, Octavio Paz, Alfonsina Storni and Tino Villanueva.

Ā ā€¢ Updated En marcha con las palabras.Enhanced to include a short pre-reading activity to introduce the chapterā€™s theme before the En contexto reading and a cross-cultural comparison activity that helps students explore the rich diversity of the Hispanic world

ā€¢ New CapĆ­tulo 10. Chapter 10 has been completely rewritten to make the content more accessible for students.

ā€¢ Updated and expanded Ventanas al mundo sections. The authors have revised and updated the Ventanas al mundo sections so that each ties language functionality to developing sociolinguistic awareness, and provides interesting cutural information that builds on the theme of the chapter.Ā 

ā€¢ Enhanced Design Features. The new highly visual design presents materials in a clear, student-friendly format. New icons provide transparent access to online materials, making this edition of Atando cabos particularly well-suited for hybrid and online courses.

ā€¢ Revised Student Activities Manual Ā  The Student Activities Manual (SAM) has been completely revised providing a seemless learning experience between the student text and the SAM. In addition, we have included a variety of activity types including art and photo based activities, listening comprehension activities, synchronous voice/video actvities (LiveChat), and, furthermore, the WeSpeke activities done with native speakers online, further engage students in the learning process

ā€¢Ā LiveChat. Ā Most language instructors want to increase oral practice outside the classroom, but have difficulty motivating learners to practice on their own time or holding learners accountable. The Atando cabos MySpanishLab course offers synchronous audio and video recording capability, so instructors can easily facilitate oral practice outside the classroom. Instructors can assign speaking activities that motivate learners to demonstrate their ability to engage in conversation in Spanish with other students in the class. Learners "see" who in their class is available to speak, engage in an online video and audio chat, and record their conversation. The tool transmits the video and audio recording to the grade book where instructors can then review, comment or leave feedback, and assign a grade.

ā€¢Ā WeSpeke. Ā In collaboration with WeSpeke, chapter-specific activities enable students to practice new language "live" with native speakers of their choosing from around the world. Learners select native speaking partners from any country they choose and complete activities that put newly acquired language to use in the "real" world, which increases curiosity, cross- cultural communication, engagement, and motivation.

ā€¢Ā Amplifire Dynamic Study Modules. Ā As the language learning and teaching community moves toward digital learning tools, Pearson is supercharging its Spanish content and optimizing its learning offerings with personalized Dynamic Study Modules, powered by amplifire. Ā Developed exclusively for beginning Spanish learners, each study module in Atando cabos offers a differentiated digital solution that consistently improves learning results and increases levels of user confidence and engagement with course materials. The new Dynamic Study Modules combine leading brain science on learning with big-data adaptivity to engage students, drive proficiency, and improve outcomes like never before.

ā€¢ Revised and Expanded Testing Program. The Testing Program has been completely rewritten to provide instructors with a wider range of assessment types that more closely correlate with the chapter structures and objectives and to make online testing and test-building easier and more flexible than ever before.

Marta Rosso O'Laughlin is the Spanish Language Coordinator at Tufts University. Ā She specializes in the developmentĀ of content-based, communicative activities at the intermediate level and in fostering independent language learners.Ā 

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