An Introduction to Psychological Science, Canadian Edition, 4th edition

Published by Pearson Canada (July 7, 2023) © 2024

  • Mark Krause Southern Oregon University
  • Daniel Corts Augustana College
  • Stephen D. Smith University of Winnipeg
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An Introduction to Psychological Science presents students with a model for scientific literacy; this model forms the core of how this book is written and organized. We believe a scientific literacy perspective and model will prove useful in addressing two course needs we often hear from instructors - to provide students with a systematic way to categorize the overwhelming amount of information they are confronted with, and to cultivate their curiosity and help them understand the relevance, practicality, and immense appeal of psychological science. 

  1. Introducing Psychological Science
  2. Reading and Evaluating Scientific Research
  3. Biological Psychology
  4. Sensation and Perception
  5. Consciousness
  6. Learning
  7. Memory
  8. Thought and Language
  9. Intelligence Testing
  10. Lifespan Development
  11. Motivation and Emotion
  12. Personality
  13. Social Psychology
  14. Health, Stress, and Coping
  15. Psychological Disorders
  16. Therapies

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