Limmer Education Test Prep Apps
LC-Ready web-based test prep apps and audio lectures
Limmer Education's web-based review apps set students up for success on their EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic certification exams.

Test prep review apps include
- Study cards to help master critical components of the course.
- Focused practice for the NREMT or state final examinations, with scenario-based questions created by experienced, national EMS educators who have written for the NREMT.
- Multiple-choice questions, with complete rationale for all answers, to review and test knowledge.
- Four additional, unique sections (Pathophysiology, Critical Thinking, Medical Terminology, Mental Conditioning) provide a complete experience.

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Audio lecture apps include
- 30 relevant and insightful lectures to supplement your class or prepare for the NREMT exam.
- Dynamic audio in a discussion format for easy listening.
- Over 15 hours of audio divided over 30 segments that’s spread throughout the EMT education standards, presented by EMS authors and educators Dan Limmer and Dan Batsie.

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EMT Review Plus
EMT Review Plus includes over 1,100 items such as learning cards, review questions, and five NREMT-style practice examinations with bonus sections for critical thinking, mental conditioning, medical terminology and pathophysiology.
AEMT Review
AEMT Review includes over 1,400 items such as study cards, review questions, and two simulated practice exams.
Paramedic Review Plus
Paramedic Review Plus includes nearly 1,000 items such as nine topical diagnostic exams in all major paramedic modules and four NREMT-style practice exams. Additional bonus ECG and med calculation categories are included.
EMT Audio Lecture Series
The EMT Lecture Series includes 30 relevant and insightful lectures to supplement your class or prepare for the NREMT exam. Each audio is dynamic and in a discussion format (not simply reading from a book or script) for easy listening.