Information for College Resellers

Pearson's goal is to provide you with the best possible service. Our commitment to college resellers is embodied in the knowledgeable and dedicated people in our staff of highly trained and professional Customer Service Reps.

Our state-of-the-art distribution center has the latest in warehousing and distribution technology and our OASIS website makes it easy to place and track orders, track credits, check price and availability, file claims, generate custom reports and more.

OASIS Technical Support
Submit a support request

Customer Service
P.O. Box 599700
San Antonio, TX 78259
Phone: 800-922-0579
Fax: 201-767-2993

P.O. Box 409479
Atlanta, GA 30384-9479

Pearson Education Returns Facility
258 Prospect Plains Road
Cranbury, NJ 08512

Credit Department
221 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: 800-232-6556
Fax: 201-767-5029

See your monthly statement for the name and extension of your personal credit representative.

Find your place in the transition to digital delivery

You play an important role in connecting students with the course materials they need. You also play an important role in the new campus course materials ecosystem to your college. As more and more colleges transition to digital delivery of course materials, college resellers will have an opportunity to play a new and critical role in the value chain.

Learn more about the important role you play