3rd Edition of Calculus presented to the University of Western Ontario

Pearson is pleased to present the 3rd Edition of Calculus to the University of Western Ontario.  The most successful new calculus text in the last two decades Briggs, Cochran, Gillett, and Schulz build from a foundation of meticulously crafted exercise sets, then draw students into the narrative through writing that reflects the voice of the instructor. Examples are stepped out and thoughtfully annotated, and figures are designed to teach rather than simply supplement the narrative.

For the 3rd Edition, the authors synthesized feedback on the text and MyLab™ Math content from over 140 instructors and an Engineering Review Panel. This thorough and extensive review process, paired with the authors’ own teaching experiences, helped create a text that was designed for today’s calculus instructors and students. 

1. Visual and Conceptual understanding

GeoGebra exercises

GeoGebra Exercises in MyLab Math are gradable graphing exercises that help students demonstrate their understanding. They enable students to interact directly with the graph in a manner that reflects how students would graph on paper.

eText with Interactive Figures

The eText includes approximately 700 figures that can bemanipulated by students to provide a deeper geometric understanding of key concepts andexamples as they read and learn new material. The authors have written Interactive Figure Exercisesthat can be assigned for homework so that students can engage with the figures outside of theclassroom.

NEW for 2022! 100+ 3-D Printables

Author Eric Schulz worked with Pearson and the National Federation for the Blind to craft 3D printable fi les for many versions of the popular interactive figures. The 3-D printable .stl files are built to tell stories of rotation and interaction for all students.

2. Personalized Learning


With Personalized Homework, students take a quiz or test and receive a subsequent homework assignment that is personalized based on their performance. The quiz or test, created by the instructor, gives the instructor control over the topics covered, and Personalized Homework focuses each student on just the topics they haven’t mastered. Students value the targeted nature of Personalized Homework.

Learning aids

Learning aids are available in homework exercises and study plan assignments, including Help Me Solve This, View an Example, Watch a Video, Ask my Instructor, and Link to the Textbook. Instructors can control which learning aids are available to students and at what moments.

3. Preparedness

Integrated Review

Integrated Review available at the chapter level is comprised of a Skills Check prebuilt quiz and homework personalized based on each student’s performance. Video & worksheets covering the Integrated Review concepts are included at the chapter level for students to review.

Enhanced Assignments

Enhanced Assignments are prebuilt customizable assignments for every section in the texts. The assignments include just-in-time personalized prerequisite review, help keep skills fresh with spaced practice of key concepts and provide opportunities to work exercises without learning aids, so students check their understanding.

4. Freehand Grader

Freehand Grader, available as a new assignment type, allows you to quickly grade any kind of handwritten assignment. As you grade, you indicate the grading criteria and build the rubric question-by-question. This grade-as-you-go approach lets you add notes to provide students with individual feedback.

Students upload their hand-written solutions, including all the steps that go into their responses. Their work provides insight into their thought processes, showing what they know, not just a final answer.

Privacy and cookies
By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.

5. Custom Question Builder

Create your own questions to include on homework assignments, tests, and quizzes, using the Custom Question Builder. Create questions with algorithmically generated values that regenerate each time a student works the question. Questions can include number lines, Cartesian graphs, pie charts, bar charts, and figures, or edit publisher-provided questions.

6. Faculty Advisor

A Pearson Faculty Advisor, a current teaching faculty member in your academic discipline with expertise in using Pearson platforms, is available to help you with valuable peer-to-peer advice and expert consultation

7. Customer Success


  • Discussion of best practices
  • Discussion of learning goals
  • Manage Pearson-Bookstore logistics


  • Curate MyLab content for Before/During/After class
  • Training to faculty on digital resources
  • Faculty and Customer Success meetings to discuss & design course


  • Integrate MyLab with eCentennial for all sections
  • Setup MyLab/ D2L Grade Sync
  • Support teaching team with assignment creation and settings


  • Provide students with registration instructions via eCentennial
  • Host Pearson “Office Hours” and/or class presentations to help onboard students 
  • Provide ongoing platform training to teaching team

Evaluate & Review

  • Collect platform feedback from students 
  • Business Review to share results and collect feedback from teaching team on your usage of MyLab and discuss what has been going well and what can be improved. 

For any questions regarding this, please send an email to Andrea Lehocki