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University of Waterloo

Mastering Physics

As one of the largest and most comprehensive physics programs in Canada, we appreciate you taking the time to meet with us. We have pulled together this personalized website based on your areas of interest.


Dynamic Feedback

You mentioned you are looking for a system that can provide your students with meaningful guidance and feedback.

Mastering Physics was designed to mimic the office hour environment with answer specific feedback and a hint structure that includes both declarative and Socratic hints.

We are also pleased to offer the AI-powered study tool in Mastering Physics and the eText

AI tied to trusted Pearson content: The AI-powered study tool pulls from vetted Pearson content to help students achieve proficiency and master key course concepts. ​

Personalized support No two learners are the same. Our generative AI chat tool goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to provide individualized support, practice and feedback that meet the unique needs of every learner.

A simplified study experience: The AI chat tool gives students the simplicity they crave. The tool eliminates the need to leave the required course material for help. Instead, support is provided, anytime, anywhere, within the assigned textbook. 

A Look at the AI-powered Study Tool in MyLab & Mastering - YouTube

Video Content

You also demonstrated an interest in our various types of video content that includes pause and predict functionality and focuses on developing a conceptual understanding.

Mastering Physics - YouTube


Other features

We didn’t have a chance to show you everything in our 30 minutes and so we wanted make you aware of these other widely used features in Mastering Physics.

Created by Eric Mazur Learning Catalytics is our classroom engagement system that features open-ended, multiple-choice, and image upload questions that encourage collaboration among students for team-based and group learning. It also enables instructors to monitor student responses and keep tabs on how well students understand what is being taught and discussed.

Increase Student Engagement with Learning Catalytics (youtube.com)

Pearson eText incorporates Video Tutor Demonstrations and Video Tutor solutions directly within the text.

Pearson eText (youtube.com)

Please click HERE so you can view our titles available with Mastering Physics.