Book cover

Managerial Economics and Strategy

Perloff - Managerial Economics and Strategy uses modern theories, business examples and real data to illustrate how economic principles impact business decisions. Coverage of contract theory, behavioral economics, game theory, and pricing tools, along with economic problem sets and steps on how to solve them, are especially useful to future managers.

The 3rd Edition features new discussions, mini cases and exercises. With this text, students will be well-prepared to apply what they’ve learned to their decision-making in the real world.

We’d like to bring your attention to a few of the features you will find in MyLab Economics which could help in overcoming challenges teaching this course. 

Personalized Learning Study Plan

Personalized Learning Study Plan monitors student performances on homework, quizzes, and tests and continuously makes recommendations based on that performance. If they are struggling with mastering critical economic concepts, the Study Plan will provide customized remediation activities--based on personal proficiencies, number of attempts, or difficulty of questions--to get students back on track.

Help me Solve This - Breaks down the problem into steps, figure animations, links to relevant pages of the eText, and more. Students who answer a question incorrectly receive targeted feedback to help develop their understanding — making homework a learning opportunity.

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Academic Integrity

Pearson is committed to promoting learning and mitigating cheating by addressing these temptations with research-based strategies designed to provide guidance when needed.

1.    Multiple Pools 

You can use pooled assignments to give each student only a specified number of items from each pool in an assignment. In a pooled assignment, each student is given a random subset of the items from each pool in the assignment, which further complicates attempts to share answers.

2.    Increased Randomization 

3.    Lock Down Browser 

Experiential Learning and Digital Interactives

Digital Interactives are dynamic and engaging activities that promote critical thinking and application of key economic principles.

Each Digital Interactive has progressive levels where students can explore, apply, compare, and analyze a topic.

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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable upon changing cookie preferences. Disabling cookies may affect video functionality. More info...
Mini cases

Mini Cases

Apply economic theory to interesting and important managerial problems, such as how price increases on iTunes affect music downloads.

Transition and Implementation support

We pride ourselves on our team of Product and Implementation Specialists that support the transition from one resource to a Pearson title.  Whatever that looks like for you, we can help with services to make the transition easier for you.

For any questions regarding this, please send an email to Nishant Khanna.