Revel Sociology

Change the way your students see the world by connecting sociology to their lives and inspiring them to see their role in society. Revel amplifies the study of sociology in a way printed materials never could.

By infusing the premium author narrative with interactive capabilities and assessment, Revel allows students to read about, analyze, and interact with sociological concepts in tandem. Thanks to this dynamic reading experience, students understand key concepts such as social structure, power, and the stratification of society, and gain valuable perspective through which to view the world.

Woman on phone

A dynamic, mobile reading experience that drives engagement and preparedness

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Increase student engagement through interactive content ​

Make reading more interesting for your students through a blend of interactive assets such as videos and diagrams that reinforce course concepts and promote active learning.​

Connect course concepts with real-life current events​

Bring currency and social relevance into your classroom through author-written Current Events Bulletins that are updated every year.

View a bulletin

People on their phones
Concept Map

Scaffold learning and foster critical thinking​

With Revel, students read and practice in one continuous experience through a variety of embedded assessments such as quizzes and shared writing activities that check the students’ understanding and application of what they learned.

Track and improve student performance​

Through immediate feedback on assessments, students know which concepts they need to revisit. Study tools such as flashcards and matching game can help them in their review.​

The educator dashboard is a powerful tool that lets you monitor your students’ performance to identify areas they struggle with and those who need extra support. ​

Explore a dashboard​

Stroop test

The Revel mobile app

The Revel mobile app lets students read, practice, and study — anywhere, anytime, on any device — with content available both online and offline.

Learn more about the app