Revel Psychology

Our psychology authors have reimagined their content for Revel, embedding interactives throughout the narrative that bring the discipline to life for students. Instead of just reading about Pavlov's famous experiment, Revel lets students experience classical conditioning for themselves.

They can manipulate variables in the simulation that accompanies this content, and see how a virtual dog responds to different stimuli, which helps them understand this tough-to-grasp concept. By providing opportunities to read about, see, and practice psychology principles, Revel engages students deeply, which leads to a better understanding of course material.

Woman on phone

A dynamic, mobile reading experience that drives engagement and preparedness

Immerse students into psychological experiments​

Get students to appreciate how psychological concepts apply to their own lives by having them go through experiment simulations. These interactive experiments enable them to practice while they’re learning, without toggling back and forth between text and activities.​

Launch an interactive

Stroop test
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Personalize the student learning experience through simulations​

With Child Development and Lifespan Development titles, students can virtually experience how their life decisions, combined with environmental and genetic factors, can influence an individual’s development. ​

Students grow up alongside virtual family and friends, experience common situations and notable life milestones, and make decisions which impact their virtual life journey. Writing prompts ask students to reflect upon their real and virtual lives and apply what they’re learning in the course.​

Increase student engagement through interactive content

Make reading more interesting for your students through a blend of interactive assets such as videos and diagrams that reinforce course concepts and promote active learning.​

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Concept Map

Draw connections between various psychological concepts​

Interactive concept maps allow students to visually see how one psychological concept leads to another, which leads to deeper learning and understanding.

Available in The World of Psychology 10th Canadian Edition​

Link course concepts with real-life current events​

Bring currency and social relevance into your classroom through author-written bulletins that are updated every year.

View a bulletin

People on their phones
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Scaffold learning and foster critical thinking​

With Revel, students read and practice in one continuous experience through a variety of embedded assessments such as quizzes, journal prompts, and shared writing activities that check the students’ understanding and application of what they learned.

You may also make assessments more engaging through video quizzes. You can create your own or use the available Pearson video quizzes. ​  ​

Video quiz

Track and improve student performance​

Through immediate feedback on assessments, students know which concepts they need to revisit. Study tools such as flashcards and matching game can help them in their review.​

The educator dashboard is a powerful tool tht lets you monitor your students’ performance to identify areas they struggle with and those who need extra support. ​

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The Revel mobile app

The Revel mobile app lets students read, practice, and study — anywhere, anytime, on any device — with content available both online and offline.

Learn more about the app