Digital Learning Summit

Digital Learning Summit 2019
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Dare to learn. Dare to change.

The 2019 Digital Learning Summit provided a forum for instructors to meet, interact, and share insights and strategies with Pearson and each other.

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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
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By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
Privacy and cookies
By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.
Privacy and cookies
By watching, you agree Pearson can share your viewership data for marketing and analytics for one year, revocable by deleting your cookies.