Is your institution looking for ways to support international students?

Pearson is committed to providing resources that empower learners and help them change their lives through life long learning. Part of that mission is to ensure that International Students are set-up for success while at college or university and are provided with the necessary tools to help them thrive in the career of their choice.
Pearson can help you assist and support International Students with:
  • English-Language Skills Development.
  • College-Level Writing and Research Skills.
  • Career Success and Employability Skills.

500,000 International Students

studied in Canada in 2018

60% of International Students

planned to apply for permanent residency

The Federal Government recently announced an investment of nearly $30 million over the next five years to help diversify global recruiting efforts to bring even more international students to Canadian post-secondary institutions. The government’s efforts to broaden the source countries of international students are part of a five-year, $148 million international education strategy released in 2019.

How can your institution guarantee student success?

Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification

"International education is an essential pillar of Canada's long-term competitiveness. Student's from abroad who study in Canada gain exposure to a new culture and ideas, stimulate innovation and help develop important cross-cultural competencies. Students from Canada who study abroad bring those same benefits back to Canada."

Pearson has the resources you need, specifically designed for International Students in Canada. Contact your Pearson representative for more information.