Langara College

FMGT 2294/4810 Course

Braun Managerial Accounting latest edition is designed to help students access information quickly, grasp complex concepts easily, and immerse themselves in real-life examples. Our goal is to support you in your teaching journey and to keep your students engaged, regardless of their diverse educational backgrounds.

Dynamic Study Modules

Dynamic Study Modules (DSM) is an adaptive practice environment in MyLab Accounting that help students increase their confidence and deepen their understanding of course material, so that they are better prepared to succeed in their course.​

Accounting Cycle Tutorial

This interactive tutorial lets you use your computer, smartphone, or tablet to practice each step of the accounting cycle, with a comprehensive problem, engaging videos and animations, and immediate feedback.

Autograded Excel Projects

Auto-graded Excel Projects let you seamlessly integrate Microsoft® Excel® content into your course without having to manually grade spreadsheets. Students can practice important skills in Excel, helping them master key concepts and gain proficiency with the program. They simply download a spreadsheet, work live on a problem in Excel, and then upload that file back into MyLab. Within minutes, they receive a report that provides personalized, detailed feedback to pinpoint where they went wrong in the problem.

Mini Simulations

New Accounting mini sims offer engaging simulations that give students a risk-free space to apply course concepts and practice decision-making in real-world scenarios.

Mini-Sims provide a safe space to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them, fostering critical thinking skills in an active learning environment. They empower students to think like accountants from day one.

Embracing DEI in our content

Our resources promote an inclusive learning environment that makes learning accounting principles relevant to all students. Each of our Accounting products have undergone an extensive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Review to ensure our content is bias-free and neutral.  

Culturally relevant content and examples that resonate with students from all backgrounds spark the interest of diverse learners and encourage participation in the learning process.​

Aligned with our commitment to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action #92, we have been working with Indigenous Subject Matter Experts to include and create content that takes specific accounting-related themes of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people into consideration.   ​