Berenson, Levine, Szabat & Stephan
Basic Business Statistics makes statistics understandable by exploring concepts in the context of specific business problems and situations. The authors emphasize interpretation, analysis, and communication of statistical results using several data analysis tools. Examples are drawn from various functional areas of business, giving learners ample practice in applying statistics to business decision-making.
Levine, Stephan & Szabat
Statistics for Managers Using Microsoft® Excel®, 9th Edition presents statistics in the context of specific business fields and includes coverage of business analytics. A friendly writing style aids student understanding. Real data gives students valuable practice with the types of data they will see in their professions.
Groebner, Shannon & Fry
Business Statistics: A Decision-Making Approach applies statistical analysis to real-world decision-making. Clear, step-by-step explanations are supported by examples with real organizations and data that help students develop decision-making skills. Integrated Review and Dynamic Study Modules in MyLab Stats help students of all skill levels succeed in this course.