Ametros Learning: Helping learners translate knowledge into practical skills.
Ametros delivers AI-powered practice-based learning modules that help students and professionals master in-demand soft skills through interactive, simulated workplace scenarios.
In collaboration with Pearson subject matter experts, Ametros has developed several experiential learning modules to complement Pearson products. These simulations are intuitive, easy to use, and can be easily integrated into an existing course or curriculum.
Business Communication
Diversity and Inclusion
In this experiential learning module, the learner takes on the role of team lead at Alphabet Studios, a mid-sized marketing company that services a variety of international clientele. They will be responsible for supporting a remote team of individuals from a range of disciplines, each one critical to the team’s overall success.
The team is high-performing and motivated but has recently faced some difficulties working together. Across multiple challenging scenarios, the learner will need to listen to the concerns of their team members and respond with professionalism and understanding. They will need to find a way to keep the group focused on their work by helping their team members communicate with each other, despite their diverse backgrounds and personal values.
Learning Objectives
Throughout this learning module, the learner will:
- Develop strategies to ensure inclusive communication
- Exercise awareness around common language that does not equal common meaning or culture; learn how to think beyond the concrete
- Demonstrate the use of interpersonal, team management, or cultural intelligence tools to navigate a variety of communication styles
Persuasive Communication
In this experiential learning module, the learner takes on the role of an internal communications coordinator at a medium-sized manufacturing firm called Bolt Plastics. The firm is about to fully automate one production line, requiring the dismissal of 43 employees. The CEO of the company has asked for the communications team’s support in announcing the news about this downsizing to the company.
The learner will need to carefully review the downsizing proposal and recommend both how the downsizing should be announced, and what information the announcement should include. In order to make this recommendation, the learner will need to understand the state of the company by communicating with various stakeholders, including the CEO herself, and a union representative who is threatening to expose the downsizing rumours to the media.
Learning Objectives
Throughout this learning module, the learner will:
- Identify and compare persuasive communication techniques
- Develop and deliver an effective argument
- Defend an argument while maintaining professionalism
- Recognize and address ethical issues
- Practice empathy in communication
Introduction to Sales
In this experiential learning module, the learner will take on the role of a sales representative at Leif Carbon Offsetting. Leif is a small company that works with organizations to balance their environmental impact. Leif offers their clients a range of options to offset their carbon emissions, from their patented “tree” technology to planting organic trees the old-fashioned way.
Leif has compiled a group of potential customers and will be looking to the learner to qualify them and decide which is the best prospect to contact. Once this decision is made, the learner will connect with that customer directly to understand their needs and how carbon offsetting can suit them. To be successful, learners will need to build a strong understanding of Leif’s history and services and use social media to help make this sale. They will need to find a way to balance the demands of multiple decision-makers despite their contradicting agendas to keep the sale moving forward.
Learning Objectives
Throughout this learning module, the learner will:
- Demonstrate domain and product expertise
- Exercise good listening skills
- Practice asking the right questions
- Practice genuine empathy
- Develop critical thinking skills
Recruitment and Selection
In this experiential learning module, the learner takes on the role of a human resources practitioner at Intuition Wells, a mid-sized information technology company specializing in cybersecurity. The leadership team at Intuition Wells is fully committed to their employees and has made it clear that they are the company’s most important asset. To support this commitment, the company is implementing an employee wellness and retention program. This program will include hiring trained chefs to make healthy meals for staff, as well as wellness professionals such as private nurses, personal trainers, and yoga instructors.
Hiring for such a diverse set of roles keeps the human resources department on its toes, as each hire requires customized recruitment strategies, screening tools, and interview questions. As the new human resources practitioner, the learner will need to create a recruitment campaign, screening tool, and set of interview questions for one of four roles that Intuition Wells is hiring for.
Learning Objectives
Throughout the learning module, the learner will:
- Evaluate and analyze organizational requirements
- Create an empirically-based recruitment campaign
- Recommend a job-specific candidate screening tool
- Create an empirically-based and legislatively sound employee selection interview
- Respond appropriately to an ethical challenge
Strategic Compensation
The learner takes on the role of a compensation specialist in the human resources department at Intuition Wells, a mid-sized information technology company specializing in cyber security.
The leadership team at Intuition Wells is fully committed to their employees, and has made it clear that they are the company’s most important asset. To support this commitment, the company has implemented an employee wellness and retention program. This program includes trained chefs to make healthy meals for staff, as well as wellness professionals such as nutritionists, personal trainers, and yoga instructors.
The learner will need to create a salary survey, job evaluation, and compensation plan for one of these four wellness jobs, while navigating complex workplace dynamics. When challenged by colleagues, they will need to understand and clearly articulate why each component of their compensation plan is appropriate to the job requirements, current market, and overall company strategy.
Learning Objectives
Throughout the learning module, the learner will:
- Design a job evaluation
- Create a salary survey
- Design a compensation plan
Training and Development
The learner takes on the role of a training and development specialist in the Human Resources department at Intuition Wells, a mid-sized information technology company specializing in cyber security.
The leadership team at Intuition Wells is fully committed to their employees, and has made it clear that they are the company’s most important asset. To support this commitment, the company has implemented an employee wellness and retention program. This program includes trained chefs to make healthy meals for staff, as well as wellness professionals such as private nurses, personal trainers, and yoga instructors.
While the wellness program has been a success in some regards, the company has received complaints about it. For this reason, they are hoping to support the program through training and development. To accomplish this, the learner will need to complete a needs analysis for one of our four wellness jobs (professional chef, registered nurse, yoga instructor, and personal trainer). Then, they will need to create a training plan to correct the performance gaps identified in the needs analysis.
Learning Objectives
Throughout the learning module, the learner will:
- Conduct a basic organizational analysis
- Create questionnaires for persons and task analysis
- Identify learning and performance gaps
- Design a training plan to correct performance gaps by selecting appropriate training methods
Engineering Economics
In the Pearson Engineering Economics experiential learning series, the learner takes on the role of a co-op student at Canadian Widgets, a mid-sized manufacturing company. Across four engaging scenarios, the learner is challenged on a range of technical and analytical skills, while simultaneously needing to recognize that technical skills alone are not enough to complete their job successfully.
Learning Objectives
Throughout this learning module, the learner will:
- Communicate the use and value of engineering economics as a discipline
- Calculate future worth for different cash flows
- Recognize the role of mathematical analysis in making decisions
- Understand the benefits and liabilities of various project comparison methods
- Recognize and deal with ethical issues in project engineering decision making
- Calculate and interpret financial ratios based on financial statements
- Determine the CCA class of a specific asset
- Recognize when it is necessary to do detailed tax calculations for IRR decisions
- Understand the principle of sunk costs
- Understand and communicate the various ways in which a government can avoid market failure
- Calculate a benefit-cost ratio in a situation where inflation must be considered explicitly
- Exercise the ability to crash a project as represented in a CPM graph to finish the project on time and within budget