University Success Reading/Writing A2, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 2, 2019) © 2019

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University Success provides a package of assessments that can be used as precourse diagnostics, midcourse assessments, and final summative assessments. The flexible nature of these assessments allows teachers to choose which assessments will be most appropriate at various stages of the program. These assessments are embedded in the student book and are available online in MyEnglishLab.
Each book in the series is supported with:
  • Comprehensive downloadable teaching notes in MyEnglishLab that detail key points for all of the specialised, academic content. In order to meet the challenge of working with topics that are unfamiliar to teachers, the Teacher Resource Folder includes specific notes to help teachers understand the key points, history, and culturally important references in the content, allowing them to easily elaborate on content in the classroom. Additionally, tips and suggestions for how to teach skills and strategies are included.
  • An easy-to-use online learning management system offering a flexible gradebook and tools for monitoring student progress
  • Essential tools, such as audio and video scripts and word lists, to help in lesson planning and follow-up.

Of the 5 levels available, this book is High-Beginning GSE 33 - 42 (A2 to A2+) The High-Beginning level builds the support that prepares students for the rigor and challenges of the upper levels and beyond.
  • Unit 1 Money and E-Commerce
  • 1. Mobile money
  • 2. A cashless world
  • Unit 2 Culture anthropology
  • 3. The power of stories
  • 4. Storytelling around the world
  • Unit 3 Civil engineering
  • 5. Marvels in engineering
  • 6. Engineering a better world
  • Unit 4 Sustainable agriculture
  • 7. Feeding the world
  • 8. The future of farming
  • Index
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