Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (July 9, 2015) © 2016

  • Diana DiNitto
  • David H. Johnson
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For courses in Public Policy, History of Social Welfare, and Social Welfare Policy       

Acknowledged as the most comprehensive, easy-to-read introduction to social welfare policy available, Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 8th Edition, emphasises the current political aspects of policy making and major social welfare programs, including public assistance, Social Security, disability, health insurance, child welfare, and much more. Social Welfare does more than describe the major social welfare policies and programs; it also tackles the conflict and controversies involved in the processes and outcomes of policy making. It contrasts rational and political approaches to policy making, policy analysis, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. The authors present conflicting perspectives, encouraging students to think critically, to debate, and to consider their own views on issues.

  • 1. Politics and the Policymaking Process
  • 2. Analyzing, Implementing, and Evaluating Social Welfare Policy
  • 3. Politics and the History of Social Welfare Policy
  • 4. Ending Poverty: Is It an Issue Anymore?
  • 5. Preventing Poverty: Social Insurance and Personal Responsibility
  • 6. Disability Policy: Embracing a Civil Rights Perspective
  • 7. Helping Needy Families
  • 8. Providing Healthcare: Can All Americans Be Insured?
  • 9. Preventing Poverty: Education and Employment Policy
  • 10. Providing Social Services: Help for Children, Older Americans, and Individuals with Mental and Substance Use Disorders
  • 11. The Challenges of a Diverse Society: Gender and Sexual Orientation
  • 12. The Challenges of a Diverse Society: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
  • Conclusion: Politics, Rationalism, and the Future of Social Welfare Policy

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