Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Global Editon, 14th edition
Published by Pearson (April 30, 2021) © 2021
- George E. Rejda
- Michael J. McNamara Washington State University
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For undergraduate courses in risk managementand insurance.
Principles and practices: Managing risk withconsumer considerations
Redja's Principles of RiskManagement and Insurance provides an in-depth examination of majorrisk themes. Using rich and up-to-date content on the basic concepts of riskand insurance, and introductory and advanced topics in traditional andenterprise risk management, the text is relevant to a wide number ofdisciplines in the business realm. Fully updated and revised, the 14thEdition covers global topics ranging from natural disasters andterrorism, to domestic issues like the ever-evolving Affordable CareAct and healthcare reform. Principles sets itselfapart by placing primary emphasis on insurance consumers and blends basic riskmanagement and insurance principles with consumer considerations, allowingstudents to apply basic concepts to their own personal risk management andinsurance programs.
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