Polymer Science and Technology, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (July 1, 2014) © 2014

  • Joel R. Fried University of Cincinnati
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This text describes how plastics, rubber, and fibers are synthesised, processed into useful materials, characterised, and compounded with fillers and other additives to improve performance for specific applications. Their use in a wide variety of technologies including membrane separations, electronics, and energy production and storage is described. A new chapter in the 3rd Edition shows how computer correlations and simulations can be used to predict properties of new plastics and to better understand how existing plastics perform.

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  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Polymer Science        
  • Chapter 2: Polymer Synthesis
  • Chapter 3: Conformation, Solutions, and Molecular Weight 
  • Chapter 4: Solid-State Properties 
  • Chapter 5: Viscoelasticity and Rubber Elasticity 
  • Chapter 6: Polymer Degradation and the Environment 
  • Chapter 7: Additives, Blends, Block Copolymers, and Composites 
  • Chapter 8: Biopolymers, Natural Polymers, and Fibers
  • Chapter 9: Thermoplastics, Elastomers, and Thermosets 
  • Chapter 10: Engineering and Specialty Polymers 
  • Chapter 11: Polymer Processing and Rheology
  • Chapter 12: Polymers for Advanced Technologies
  • Chapter 13: Correlations and Simulations in Polymer Science  
  • Appendix A: Polymer Abbreviations
  • Appendix B Representative Properties of Some Important Commercial Polymers
  • Appendix C ASTM Standards for Plastics and Rubber
  • Appendix D SI Units and Physical Constants
  • Appendix E Mathematical Relationships
  • Appendix F The Major Elements


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