Pearson Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 11th edition
Published by Pearson (March 24, 2016) © 2017
- Judith M. Wilkinson
Price Reduced From: $117.95 AUD
To facilitate care planning for nursing students
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook presents the current knowledge that nurses and nursing students need to develop superior individualised patient care plans. This convenient pocket guide has been expanded to include 25 new nursing diagnoses approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA International) for 2015-2017; to retire obsolete NANDA diagnoses; and to link to the latest Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) research-based outcomes and interventions. NANDA International, NOC, and NIC standardised terminology is generally used wherever appropriate. Reflecting key trends in the profession, it addresses family, community, and collaborative interventions, as well as gerontology and home care.
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