Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing: A Complaince Guide For Practitioners, 2nd edition

Published by FT Publishing International (November 27, 2019) © 2020

  • Tim Parkman
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This book offers best practice advice on how to meet anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and will help you put together an effective framework to meet your legal obligations.
It includes a comprehensive selection of example documents, checklists and an unrivalled collection of training materials.

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  • Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts
  • Chapter 2: The International AML and CFT Framework
  • Chapter 3: The Role, Structure and Position of the AML/CFT Compliance Function
  • Chapter 4: CDD, KYC and the Risk-Based Approach
  • Chapter 5: Reputational risk
  • Chapter 6: Suspicion recognition
  • Chapter 7: International Cooperation
  • Chapter 8: Modern Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing: Two Case Studies

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