Legal Writing Skills: A Guide To Writing Essays and Answering Problem Questions, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (January 7, 2019) © 2019

  • Steve Foster Coventry University
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Discover:● Top tips on answering problem questions;
● What law lecturers mean by ‘critical analysis’ and how to incorporate it into your essays;● Practical advice on developing analytical and critical writing skills, legal reasoning and
conducting legal research;● Real life examples of sample writing with commentary so you can see what makes a
strong piece of written work and how to avoid common pitfalls;● Numerous examples which show how to apply the principles in the book to your own

  • Chapter 1: Writing law assessments on undergraduate courses
  • Chapter 2: Presentation of law assessments
  • Chapter 3: Legal reasoning and critical thinking in assessments
  • Chapter 4: Good and bad essays
  • Chapter 5: Answering problem questions
  • Chapter 6: Researching and using legal materials
  • Chapter 7: Legal referencing and citation
  • Chapter 8: Preparing for and answering exam questions
  • Chapter 9: Researching and writing advanced essays

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