Cyber-Physical Systems, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 23, 2016) © 2017

  • Raj Rajkumar
  • Dionisio de Niz
  • Mark Klein

VitalSource eTextbook

ISBN-13: 9780133416152
Cyber-Physical Systems
Published 2016
The next generation of mission-critical and embedded systems will be “cyber physical”: They will demand the precisely synchronised and seamless integration of complex sets of computational algorithms and physical components. Cyber-Physical Systems is the definitive guide to building cyber-physical systems (CPS) for a wide spectrum of engineering and computing applications.
Three pioneering experts have brought together the field’s most significant work in one volume that will be indispensable for all practitioners, researchers, and advanced students. This guide addresses CPS from multiple perspectives, drawing on extensive contributions from leading researchers.
The authors and contributors review key CPS challenges and innovations in multiple application domains. Next, they describe the technical foundations underlying modern CPS solutions—both what we know and what we still need to learn. Throughout, the authors offer guiding principles for every facet of CPS development, from design and analysis to planning future innovations.
Comprehensive coverage includes
  • Understanding CPS drivers, challenges, foundations, and emerging directions
  • Building life-critical, context-aware, networked systems of medical devices
  • Creating energy grid systems that reduce costs and fully integrate renewable energy sources
  • Modeling complex interactions across cyber and physical domains
  • Synthesising algorithms to enforce CPS control
  • Addressing space, time, energy, and reliability issues in CPS sensor networks
  • Applying advanced approaches to real-time scheduling
  • Securing CPS: preventing “man-in-the-middle” and other attacks
  • Ensuring logical correctness and simplifying verification
  • Enforcing synchronised communication between distributed agents
Using model-integration languages to define formal semantics for CPS models

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  • Chapter 1: Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 2: Energy Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 3: Cyber-Physical Systems Built on Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Chapter 4: Symbolic Synthesis for Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 5: Software and Platform Issues in Feedback Control Systems
  • Chapter 6: Logical Correctness for Hybrid Systems
  • Chapter 7: Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 8: Synchronization in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 9: Real-Time Scheduling for Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Chapter 10: Model Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems

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