Critical Conversations for Patient Safety: An Essential Guide for Healthcare Students, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (April 4, 2024) © 2024

  • Tracy Levett-Jones
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An essential guide for all healthcare students to develop and hone their skills in safe and effective communication.

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Critical Conversations for Patient Safety, 3rd edition, provides comprehensive, practical advice for healthcare students to develop excellent communication skills that improve patient safety and wellbeing. It addresses communication between healthcare professionals and their patients and families, as well as interprofessional communication and collaboration. Diverse disciplinary perspectives and authentic patient stories provide different lenses for students to understand effective patient-safe communication in the evolving and complex nature of contemporary healthcare.

Critical Conversations is suitable for Nursing, Midwifery, and Healthcare students, supporting their foundational professional practice knowledge and skills for clinical placement and beyond.


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  • Section 1: Communication and patient safety
  • Chapter 1: The relationship between communication and patient safety
  • Chapter 2: An introduction to communication skills
  • Chapter 3: Key attributes of patient-safe communication
  • Chapter 4: Why do patients complain about how healthcare professionals communicate?
  • Chapter 5: An historical and cultural overview of healthcare professionals' evolving team dynamics
  • Section 2: Improving inter-professional communication to promote patient safety and wellbeing
  • Chapter 6: Interpersonal communication for inter-professional collaboration
  • Chapter 7: Clinical handover
  • Chapter 8: Open disclosure
  • Chapter 9: Discharge planning and continuity of care
  • Chapter 10: Communicating to promote medication safety
  • Section 3: Improving therapeutic communication to promote patient safety and wellbeing
  • Chapter 11: Key attributes of therapeutic communication
  • Chapter 12: Communicating with older people
  • Chapter 13: Communicating with children and families
  • Chapter 14: Communicating with people who experience mental health problems
  • Chapter 15: Communicating with people who have communication impairment
  • Chapter 16: Communicating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Chapter 17: Communicating with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • Chapter 18: Communicating with people about their spiritual needs
  • Chapter 19: Communicating with people who are angry or aggressive
  • Chapter 20: Communicating about end-of-life care and decisions
  • Chapter 21: Language matters: Conversations to promote equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Section 4: Workforce issues and patient safety
  • Chapter 22: When whistle-blowing seems like the only option
  • Chapter 23: Creating safer healthcare organisations

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