
Fully aligned to the Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 & 9.0, the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and stages 4 and 5 of the new NSW syllabus for Years 7-10 Mathematics.

  • Year Levels 7–10
  • Curriculum ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, NZ
  • Subject Mathematics
  • Resource Formats Print, Digital
  • Last Updated Dec 2023

What is Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics

The Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics gives teachers access a flexible hub of digital topics, lessons and assessments covering the whole curriculum – that 4 out of 5 of teachers agree is easy to use.

We energise learning with engaging content including videos, worksheets, auto-correcting questions, worked examples and more with the perfect mix of online and offline resources.

It delivers a complete teaching and learning solution aligned to the Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 and 9.0, the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and the NSW Syllabus 2.0, featuring:  

  • a robust digital hub for teachers and learners 
  • Complemented by write-in printed student companion books   
  • With Student Books and eBooks for the Australian Curriculum V9.0 and Victorian Syllabus 2.0 versions.
Shop the Student Companions

How Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics helps

How do we simplify teaching?

Simplified lesson planning and reporting: Lesson planning as simple as browse, save, teach and auto-assess in just a few clicks. Then automatic reporting shows you class results or student level auto-corrected responses to give you real-time feedback before, during or after lessons.

A huge bank of teacher support: Access teacher resources in context of each lesson to help make teaching easier, with additional downloadable teaching programs, student companion pages and answers, topic tests and worksheet answers.

Differentiate teaching with pathways: Enable or extend students supported by access to relevant, modular content across Year levels 7-10 all within one resource, giving you everything you need to appropriately challenge and engage every student.

Easy setup and integration: Integrate with your LMS or access directly through Pearson Places to assign simply to your class. We have prioritised ease of access to help with your lesson plan setup, and student assigning functionality. 

How do we energise learning?

Quality content created by expert educators: Created by content creators with experience in Australian Maths and Science teaching with best practice lesson design to support explicit teaching strategies. 

Thousands of content assets in engaging formats: We ‘chunk’ content into different formats using the read a little do a little approach to support learning, with so many options to engage across video, worked examples, downloadable worksheets and much, much more.

The perfect mix of online and offline content: Printed student companions work alongside lessons in the teaching hub to practice and consolidate learning, in-class or for homework. For the Australian Curriculum and Victorian Syllabus we also have print Student Books that correlate digital topics with printed chapters.

Minimise students feeling overwhelmed: Providing curriculum-aligned content for guided practice (Worked examples, videos, Check your understanding questions) and independent practice (practice questions) assigned as small, manageable content chunks.

What Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics includes

Quality content and design

Curriculum-aligned content

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics is mapped to the Years 7-10 Australian Curriculum Version 8.4 & 9.0, the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and stages 4 and 5 of the new NSW syllabus. 

All digital content including topics and lessons can be searched by curriculum code and all have the relevant curriculum information detailed in situ in the topic and lesson details pages. 

Teaching programs for each curriculum are available to download from the digital hub to support educators with state-specific planning and programming.

Quality content and design

Flexible formats

With Secondary Teaching Hub, mathematics is made more accessible for teachers and learners with engaging content formats across digital and print. Students have plenty of opportunities to practice written mathematics and are also supported to connect to concepts with highly engaging digital content.  

The digital hub provides modular content including theory, Worked example videos, interactive graphs, assessments and more, which can be delivered in any order to suit the needs of teachers and learners. The recommended learning sequence in the digital hub matches the table of contents in the Student Companions.

In Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics, teachers have easy access to resources including:  

  • Teaching program 
  • Topic test 
  • Student Companion 
  • Student Companion answers 

Worksheets and tests that complement and enhance learning can be downloaded from the digital hub, including all answers.  

The Student Companions give students the opportunity to document their educational journey, as they work through questions and activities that complement and enhance the digital material whilst maintaining consistency in course coverage.  

Quality content and design

Evidence-backed design

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics content has been created by educational and publishing experts with classroom teaching experience so you can trust that it’s expertly written and simple to use in the classroom.

The ready-to-teach lessons use the 5E pedagogical model as a framework, supporting teachers with a guided-enquiry approach to mathematics, including:  

  • Lesson introductions to Engage
  • Lesson content to Explore, Explain & Elaborate
  • Lesson reviews to Evaluate.

Teacher support

Modular content

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics uses modular content, ensuring it can be delivered in any order to suit the needs of teachers and learners.  

Topic and lesson content is presented in a learning progression that matches the flow and intent of each curriculum covered. However, teachers are able utilise the modular content in whichever order is most appropriate for their own preferred delivery progression or school programming.

Additionally, schools using Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics get access to all modular content across Years 7-10, supporting teachers with suitable content to enable students who are falling behind and extend those ahead of the curve with ease.  

The digital hub is easy-to-navigate and supports teachers to deliver lessons with as much or as little guidance as they wish using the easily assignable bite-sized modular content chunks. 

Teacher support

Programming documents

Teaching programs for the Years 7-10 Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 and Victorian Curriculum 2.0 as well as stages 4 and 5 of the new NSW syllabus are provided with Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics.

The state-specific teaching programs map all: 

  • Pearson Diagnostic quizzes 
  • curriculum content descriptions 
  • Teaching Hub topics, lessons, learning intentions and success criteria 
  • question sets to differentiate independent practice questions 
  • suggested teaching time.

Teacher support

Teaching notes

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics addresses the need for in-the-moment teaching support with high-quality teaching notes incorporated throughout the digital hub. 

Teaching notes are written to support all teachers regardless of their level of experience. The teaching notes have been provided to ensure that our teachers feel supported to facilitate purposeful learning activities.

The teaching notes include:

  • suggested time and materials required
  • differentiation and discussion prompts to help enable and extend learning
  • solutions

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics teaching notes ensure every teacher can deliver a high-quality program with minimal preparation. 

Teacher support

Assessment support

Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics ensures students have plenty of opportunities to check their understanding without putting additional burden on teachers to plan and mark more assessments.

Most assessments can be found throughout lessons, ensuring relevance and convenience.

Assessments available with Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics include:

Diagnostic assessment 

Schools using Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics benefit from included access to Pearson Diagnostic, an assessment tool based on Melbourne University SMART: tests and a culmination of 30+ years of international research.

The teaching notes within Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics lessons highlight where a relevant Pearson Diagnostic quiz is available to support teachers with the lesson by providing:

  • a clear understanding of students’ entry points coming into a topic
  • an effective and efficient method for diagnosing student understanding
  • personalised targeted activities to help each student overcome misconceptions and blockers, helping them to learn at level for longer
  • support for teachers to improve pedagogical content knowledge with videos and in-situ teaching notes in the targeted activities

Check your understanding questions

Every ready-to-teach lesson in Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics includes 1-3 Check your understanding questions beside each Worked example. These auto-marked questions provide immediate feedback and help students and teachers gauge student readiness to progress from guided practice to independent practice.

Practice questions

Every ready-to-teach lesson includes practice questions and answers to support the gradual release of responsibility for each success criteria. These follow the Worked example and Check your understanding questions and support independent practice with 4-6 exercise questions for students to apply their new skills.

Further guided practice is available in the Student Companion as a Try it yourself example including 1-3 exercise questions. 

All answers for practice questions are available from the digital hub.

Lesson review questions

Every lesson includes approximately 6-8 lesson review questions to help assess student understanding of the success criteria covered in the full lesson. These questions are auto-correcting, supporting students and teachers gauging readiness to progress to the next lesson. 

Topic tests

Topic tests are available to download from the digital hub as editable word documents. To help prepare students for senior studies, these tests are written in exam-style and comprise 3 question types: 

  • multiple choice 
  • short answer 
  • extended response 

All topic test questions are mapped to lessons to ensure summative assessment is relevant to the content description/s and lessons being taught.

Teacher support


Mathematics, providing ongoing insight into student understanding before, during and after lessons and helping teachers to determine when to spend more time on certain concepts.  

As students complete assigned work, teachers can view progress at the student and class level.  

  • At the student level, teachers can see the number of attempts students used and if they chose to access the hints and answers for a given question.  
  • At the class level, teachers can get a snapshot of completion rates and overall performance as well as a deeper view of trends in understanding across certain areas.  

Reporting is visible in the digital hub and a class report can also be exported for simple use at report writing time or in conjunction with other school systems.  

Ready to teach lessons

Lesson introduction

Every lesson in Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics begins with an introduction section to help engage students. The introduction is made up of: 

  1. Learning intention: The learning intention clearly states the purpose of the lesson. 
  2. Success criteria: 2-3 success criteria are defined by ‘I can…’ statements that outline what success looks like for students in a specific and measurable way.  
  3. Warm-up: The lesson warm-up is a class activity that helps students: 
    • activate prior knowledge, and/or 
    • engage with the lesson concepts.

Lesson warm-ups include teaching notes with suggested time allocation, materials required, enabling prompts, extending prompts and solutions. 

Ready to teach lessons

Lesson content

The lesson content supports teachers and learners to Explore, Explain & Elaborate. This part of the lesson is split by success criteria, with each success criteria including the following:

The Important to know section of the lesson content covers the key concepts and rules students need to know for that success criteria.

The Worked examples section of the lesson content provide guided practice mapped to success criteria. Learners are supported to deepen their understanding as they progress through the 3 parts of each Worked example:

  • the complete thinking and working for the Worked example displayed in an easy-to-read table
  • a video walkthrough of the Worked example including audio commentary
  • 1-3 auto-correcting questions to check student understanding, providing teachers and learners with immediate feedback.

The Practice section of the lesson content allows students to apply their learning through independent practice with 4-6 exercise questions for each success criteria. Answers can easily be revealed by students when they are ready to check their work.

The Student Companions provide guided practice for each lesson success criteria with a Try it yourself version of a Worked example and 1-3 exercise questions.

Ready to teach lessons


In Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics, every lesson includes practice questions that accompany each success criteria and have been written to support the gradual release of responsibility.

Guided practice is offered as a Try it yourself example in the Student Companion with approximately 1-3 exercise questions.

To assess student readiness to progress from guided practice to independent practice, the digital platform has 1-3 auto-correcting Check your understanding questions giving students immediate feedback on their understanding.

Independent practice follows on from the Worked example in  the practice section. Success criteria have approximately 4-6 exercise questions for students to apply their new skills.

Ready to teach lessons

Lesson review

Every lesson in Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics ends with a lesson review section, providing learners with the opportunity to consolidate their learning for the success criteria covered within the lesson.  

The lesson review is made up of approximately 6-8 auto-correcting questions supported by hints and worked solutions. 

Trusted tech partners

Headache-free integrations

Spend less time on admin and troubleshooting with seamless integration between Teaching Hub and the trusted platforms you’re already using like Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom and more. No doubling up of effort and no need for new student logins.

Discover all Teaching Hub partners

Teaching Hub is part of the following series, explore the other components

Explore the relevant series and other components available with the Teaching Hub, for the Australian Curriculum V9.0 and V8.4, the Victorian Curriculum V2.0 and the NSW Syllabus.

Samples & downloads

Explore flyers and sample pages for the new Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Student Companions to discover how they can be used to complement the robust digital hub, resulting in simplified teaching and energised learning.

  • Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub — Mathematics Victoria — Brochure Download PDF (2.8MB)
  • Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub — Mathematics Victoria — Flyer Download (0B)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 7 Student Companion (AC v9.0) Download PDF (1.5MB)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 8 Student Companion (AC v0.9) Download PDF (3.3MB)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 9 Student Companion (AC v0.9) Download PDF (3.1MB)

  • Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub — Mathematics NSW — Brochure Download PDF (2.7MB)
  • Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub — Mathematics NSW — Flyer Download PDF (837KB)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 7 Student Companion (NSW Syllabus) Download PDF (924KB)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 8 Student Companion (NSW Syllabus) Download PDF (2.3MB)
  • Sample pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 9 Student Companion (NSW Syllabus) Download PDF (2.3MB)
  • Sample Pages — Pearson Secondary Teaching Hub Mathematics — Year 10 Student Companion (NSW Syllabus) Download PDF (4.2MB)

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