• Help young learners develop confidence and wellbeing with resources addressing all needs
  • Support learners at all levels with extensive teacher support across subjects
  • Entertain learners with fun and accessible materials designed for maximum engagement

Teaching support

Teach GPCs and high frequency words with confidence

Phonics Progression Chart for Bug Club Phonics

Created by the authors of the ground-breaking Clackmannanshire study, Bug Club Phonics is a synthetic phonics program with everything teachers need. It includes a huge selection of decodable books in print and online, and an evidence-based, comprehensive online teaching program on ALP – Active Learn Primary

With the new independent titles and comics now available on ALP, the phonics progression chart shows the order in which to teach Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondences (GPCs) and common irregular or high frequency words (tricky words).

Download the chart


Championing oral language in your school

Using the Science of Learning research to support early oral language development

Join the expert panellists to uncover the facts about the impact early oral language difficulties can have on a student’s future. By the end of the webinar, you will understand how your school can positively impact learning by firstly identifying and then addressing early oral language difficulties with greater accuracy and efficiency using the Science of Learning research.

Watch the webinar recording


OxEd Literacy Assessment & Intervention

World-class, research-led assessments, intervention programs and professional development.

Pearson Australia is proud to partner with OxEd to bring research-led digital assessments and early language intervention programs to Australia and New Zealand. All resources have been versioned for ANZ and are ready to implement in the 2024 school year:

  • LanguageScreen & ReadingScreen
  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) program
  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) Whole Class program
Explore OxEd resources

Explore the latest primary phonics resources

Explore by literacy learning focus

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Benchmarking and assessment


Comprehension and text types


First Nations histories, peoples and cultures


Guided reading




Independent reading




Modelled reading


Oral language


Professional books


Reading and writing workshops


Shared reading


Synthetic phonics and decodable readers


Take-home reading


Word study, spelling and grammar

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Explore the latest primary literacy professional books

Discover the online reading world

ActiveLearn Primary

Allocate books, games, and activities to learners online and track their progress afterwards with a suite of intuitive tools. 

The online world for your favourite primary literacy resources:

  • Bug Club
  • Bug Club Phonics
  • Rapid Reading
  • Rapid Phonics
Explore ActiveLearn Primary

Featuring over fifty series

Primary Catalogue

Packed with new and exciting resources to support the latest curriculum and teaching practices, Pearson's catalogue also showcases many trusted resources already known and loved by Australian primary schools!

Plus, you'll find helpful links and insights into the research behind resources like Mathology, Science Readers and Units of Study.

Download the Catalogue

Partners in learning

Resources developed for all learning needs
Committed to empowering educators
Dedicated to research-based learning design

Pearson Primary Literacy

Foster a love of reading

Pearson Primary Literacy resources cater to young readers, thoroughly addressing a wide variety of needs including phonics and comprehension-based content.

Excite young minds with a huge selection of fiction and non-fiction material in both print and digital formats.

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