Year Levels F–8
Curriculum ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, NZ
Subject Literacy
Resource Formats Print, Digital
Learning Focus Word study, spelling and grammar
What it is
Word Study is a developmentally-driven, teacher-directed, student-centred approach to vocabulary growth and spelling development. It enables you to:
- assess, identify and document each student's spelling stage
- group students with common needs
- tailor activities to improve students’ spelling knowledge
- engage in sound, pattern and meaning activities and word sorts so students gain a better understanding of the principles of spelling.
Word Study Professional Development
Learn how to effectively use Word Study to assess and identify the spelling stages of your students, tailor spelling activities to support students in their spelling development, and create a positive approach to the teaching and learning of spelling.
Register interest in the next live online workshop:
Word Study is a fabulous resource for supporting curriculum differentiation. By using the placement tests, my staff have been able to provide every student with content that is pitched at the appropriate level.
What it includes
Discover how the Word Study hands-on approach improves teaching and learning outcomes.
Word Study is a complete curriculum of word study for the Emergent, Letter Name-Alphabetic, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes, and Derivational Relations stages of spelling development.
To suit the needs of your classroom, Word Study resources can be purchased as:
- individual books
- individual eBooks
- a whole school resource pack, ideal for schools looking for a whole school program with eBook access for all teachers on the school network
- a classroom-ready print pack, ideal for schools needing print only resources. It is most suitable for schools looking to use the resource across one or two year levels.
At minimum, a year level would require at least one copy of each book.
Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction, Global 7th Edition
Now in its 7th edition, this core teaching resource features:
- spelling inventories for assessing students and tracking their progress
- word sorts and word study games using analysis, reflection and discussion to foster critical thinking
- a new chapter on organising word study in the classroom, as well as new activities, progress monitoring materials and sample lesson plans.
It also includes a free 12-month subscription to the Word Study companion website.
Word Study companion website
Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction, Global Edition, 7th Edition, includes a complimentary 12-month subscription to the Word Study companion website (previously the Online PD Toolkit).
The Word Study companion website is an online tool that provides educators with a way to engage students in interactive word study. Features include:
- live, automatically scored spelling inventories
- scoring and grouping of inventories on paper
- interactive word sorts
- printable game templates
- data reporting and oversight for grouping and assistance to monitor student progress.
Find instructions for purchase and access to the Word Study companion website subscription in the support section below.
Letter and Picture Sorts for Emergent Spellers, Global 3rd Edition
This resource includes 60 reproducible sorts and dozens of other activities and assessments to teach:
- phonological awareness
- alphabet knowledge
- initial letter sounds
- concepts about print
- concept of word in text.
Also included in this latest edition are:
- enhanced step-by-step directions for each sort
- additional assessments
- expanded syllable, rhyme and font sorts
- reorganised word study chapters.
Word Sorts for Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers, Global 3rd Edition
This resource covers the complete curriculum of word study for the letter name-alphabetic stage of spelling development. It includes:
- over 80 reproducible sorts, including sorts and activities for:
- beginning consonant, same-vowel and mixed vowel word families
- diagraph and blends
- short vowels in CVC words
- preconsonantal nasals
- r-influenced vowels and contractions.
- teaching tips, standard routines and spell checks for each unit.
- step-by-step directions, including:
- generalisations for each lesson highlighting what students will learn
- tips for sorting and discussion
- critical thinking questions
- opportunities to extend and apply learning.
- unit assessments for monitoring student progress.
Word Sorts for Within Word Pattern Spellers, Global 3rd Edition
This resource covers the complete curriculum of word study for the within word pattern stage of spelling development. It includes:
- 75 reproducible sorts, including sorts for:
- short and long vowels
- common and uncommon long-vowel patterns in CVC and CVCe words
- r-influenced vowels
- diphthongs
- ambiguous vowels
- complex consonants
- homophones and more.
- teaching tips, standard routines and spell checks for each unit.
- step-by-step directions, including:
- generalisations for each lesson highlighting what students will learn
- tips for sorting and discussion
- critical thinking questions
- opportunities to extend and apply learning.
- unit assessments for monitoring student progress.
Word Sorts for Syllables and Affixes Spellers, 3rd Global Edition
This resource covers the complete syllables and affixes spelling development stage of the word study curriculum. It contains:
- over 60 reproducible sorts, including sorts for:
- inflected endings
- compound words
- long-vowel and other vowel patterns in accented syllables
- unaccented syllables
- consonants
- affixes.
- teaching tips, standard routines and spell checks for each unit.
- step-by-step directions, including:
- generalisations for each lesson highlighting what students will learn
- tips for sorting and discussion
- critical thinking questions
- opportunities to extend and apply learning.
- unit assessments for monitoring student progress.
Words Sorts for Derivational Relations Spellers, Global 3rd Edition
A complete curriculum of word study for advanced readers in the derivational relations stage of spelling development. It contains:
- over 60 reproducible sorts, including sorts for:
- affixes
- spelling-meaning patterns
- Latin and Greek words.
- teaching tips, standard routines, and spell checks for each unit.
- step-by-step directions, including:
- generalisations for each lesson highlighting what students will learn
- tips for sorting and discussion
- critical thinking questions
- opportunities to extend and apply learning.
- English learner notes at the beginning of each unit to provide guidance to teachers, including information on cognates and other related words.
- unit assessments for monitoring student progress.
Professional development
High Impact Word Study Workshop
Learn how to effectively use Word Study to assess and identify the spelling stages of your students with Pearson's High Impact Word Study workshop. The workshop teaches you how to:
- tailor spelling activities to support students in their spelling development
- create a positive approach to the teaching and learning of spelling.
Support for Word Study companion website
Explore instructions to purchase and get access to the Word Study companion website.
Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction, Global Edition, 7th Edition, includes a complimentary 12-month subscription to the Word Study companion website (previously the Online PD Toolkit).
The Word Study companion website is an online tool that provides educators with a way to engage students in interactive word study. Features include:
- live, automatically scored spelling inventories
- scoring and grouping of inventories on paper
- interactive word sorts
- printable game templates
- data reporting and oversight for grouping and assistance to monitor student progress.
To access the Word Study companion website, visit wordstudy.pearson.com and login with your existing PD Toolkit user name and password. You don’t need to create a new user name or password.
If you have any issues with your password, select ‘Forgot password’ to reset it.
Please note: free access to the Word Study companion website is only provided with Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction, Global Edition, 7th Edition and not the Word Study Word Sort titles.
To access the companion website:
- Go to wordstudy.pearson.com and select TEACHER...
- Enter the access code found on the inside front cover of Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction, Global Edition, 7th Edition
- Go to wordstudy.pearson.com and log in.
If your 12-month subscription has expired or if you wish to purchase a subscription:
- Go to wordstudy.pearson.com and select TEACHER.
- For ‘Do you have an access code?’ select ‘No, I need to buy instant access’.
- Accept the License Agreement.
- For ‘Do you have a Pearson Education account?’, select ‘Yes’ and enter your login name and password. If you don’t have one, select ‘No’ and create a login and password. We recommend using a generic school email address rather than your own email address, unless your school is happy for you to register.
- Complete the personal information and security question.
- Complete the billing information.
- Complete payment with credit card or PayPal. Note payment is in United States Dollars.
- Go to wordstudy.pearson.com and login.
Samples & downloads
- Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling 7e sample pages Download PDF (1.4MB)
- Word Study - Emergent Spellers 3e Table of Contents and sample pages Download PDF (1.3MB)
- Word Study - Letter Name - Alphabetic Spellers 3e sample pages Download PDF (914KB)
- Word Study - Within Word Pattern Spellers 3e sample pages Download PDF (1.3MB)
- Word Study - Syllables and Affixes Spellers 3e sample pages Download PDF (1000KB)
- Word Study - Derivational Relations Spellers 3e Table of Contents and sample pages Download PDF (1.1MB)