Multiple ChoiceIf vectors v⃗=⟨4,3⟩v ⃗=⟨4,3⟩v⃗=⟨4,3⟩ and u⃗=⟨9,1⟩u ⃗=⟨9,1⟩u⃗=⟨9,1⟩, calculate v⃗⋅u⃗v ⃗⋅u ⃗v⃗⋅u⃗.128views
Multiple ChoiceIf vectors v⃗=12ı^v⃗=12îv⃗=12ı^ and u⃗=100ȷ^u⃗=100ĵu⃗=100ȷ^, calculate u⃗⋅v⃗u ⃗⋅v ⃗u⃗⋅v⃗.128views
Multiple ChoiceIf vectors a⃗=13ı^a⃗=13îa⃗=13ı^, ⃗b⃗=5ı^−12ȷ^⃗b⃗=5î-12ĵ⃗b⃗=5ı^−12ȷ^, and c⃗=24ȷ^c⃗=24ĵc⃗=24ȷ^, calculate b⃗⋅(a⃗−c⃗)b ⃗⋅(a ⃗-c ⃗)b⃗⋅(a⃗−c⃗).114views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIf vectors ∣a⃗∣=3|a⃗|=3∣a⃗∣=3 and ∣b⃗∣=7|b⃗|=7∣b⃗∣=7, and a⃗⋅b⃗=14.85a⃗\cdot b⃗=14.85a⃗⋅b⃗=14.85, determine the angle between vectors a⃗a ⃗a⃗ and b⃗b ⃗b⃗.115views
Multiple ChoiceIf vectors a⃗=4ı^a⃗=4îa⃗=4ı^ and b⃗=3ı^−2ȷ^b⃗=3î-2ĵb⃗=3ı^−2ȷ^, determine the angle between vectors a⃗a ⃗a⃗ and b⃗b ⃗b⃗.123views
Multiple ChoiceIf vectors ∣v⃗∣=12|v ⃗ |=12∣v⃗∣=12, ∣u⃗∣=100|u ⃗ |=100 ∣u⃗∣=100 and the angle between v⃗v ⃗v⃗ & u⃗u ⃗u⃗ is θ=π6\theta=\frac{\pi}{6}θ=6π, calculate v⃗⋅u⃗v ⃗⋅u ⃗v⃗⋅u⃗ .140views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 1–8, use the given vectors to find v⋅w and v⋅v. v = 3i + j, w = i + 3j240views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 1–8, use the given vectors to find v⋅w and v⋅v. v = 5i - 4j, w = -2i - j207views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 1–8, use the given vectors to find v⋅w and v⋅v. v = -6i - 5j, w = -10i - 8j257views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 5–8, let v = -5i + 2j and w = 2i - 4j Find the specified vector, scalar, or angle. v ⋅ w183views
Textbook QuestionFind the angle between each pair of vectors. Round to two decimal places as necessary.〈2, 1〉, 〈-3, 1〉 199views
Textbook QuestionFind the angle between each pair of vectors. Round to two decimal places as necessary.〈4, 0〉, 〈2, 2〉 159views
Textbook QuestionFind the angle between each pair of vectors. Round to two decimal places as necessary.〈1, 6〉, 〈-1, 7〉 149views
Textbook QuestionFind the angle between each pair of vectors. Round to two decimal places as necessary.3i + 4j, j191views
Textbook QuestionFind the angle between each pair of vectors. Round to two decimal places as necessary.2i + 2j, -5i - 5j196views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 5–8, let v = -5i + 2j and w = 2i - 4j Find the specified vector, scalar, or angle. projᵥᵥv192views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 9–16, let u = 2i - j, v = 3i + j, and w = i + 4j. Find each specified scalar. u ⋅ (v + w)344views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 9–16, let u = 2i - j, v = 3i + j, and w = i + 4j. Find each specified scalar. u ⋅ v + u ⋅ w195views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 9–16, let u = 2i - j, v = 3i + j, and w = i + 4j. Find each specified scalar. (4u) ⋅ v266views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 9–16, let u = 2i - j, v = 3i + j, and w = i + 4j. Find each specified scalar. 4(u ⋅ v)209views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 17–22, find the angle between v and w. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree. v = 2i - j, w = 3i + 4j287views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 17–22, find the angle between v and w. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree. v = -3i + 2j, w = 4i - j256views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 17–22, find the angle between v and w. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree. v = 6i, w = 5i + 4j281views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 23–32, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = i + j, w = i - j329views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 23–32, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = 2i + 8j, w = 4i - j251views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 23–32, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = 2i - 2j, w = -i + j207views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 23–32, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = 3i, w = -4i255views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 23–32, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = 3i, w = -4j322views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 33–38, find projᵥᵥ v. Then decompose v into two vectors, v₁ and v₂, where v₁ is parallel to w and v₂ is orthogonal to w. v = 3i - 2j, w = i - j219views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 33–38, find projᵥᵥ v. Then decompose v into two vectors, v₁ and v₂, where v₁ is parallel to w and v₂ is orthogonal to w. v = i + 3j, w = -2i + 5j207views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 33–38, find projᵥᵥ v. Then decompose v into two vectors, v₁ and v₂, where v₁ is parallel to w and v₂ is orthogonal to w. v = i + 2j, w = 3i + 6j266views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 37–39, find the dot product v ⋅ w. Then find the angle between v and w to the nearest tenth of a degree. v = 2i + 4j, w = 6i - 11j190views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 39–42, let u = -i + j, v = 3i - 2j, and w = -5j. Find each specified scalar or vector. 5u ⋅ (3v - 4w)235views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 40–41, use the dot product to determine whether v and w are orthogonal. v = 12i - 8j, w = 2i + 3j191views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 39–42, let u = -i + j, v = 3i - 2j, and w = -5j. Find each specified scalar or vector. projᵤ (v + w)214views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 42–43, find projᵥᵥv. Then decompose v into two vectors, v₁ and v₂ where v₁ is parallel to w and v₂ is orthogonal to w. v = -2i + 5j, w = 5i + 4j209views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 43–44, find the angle, in degrees, between v and w. v = 2 cos 4𝜋 i + 2 sin 4𝜋 j, w = 3 cos 3𝜋 i + 3 sin 3𝜋 j 3 3 2 2212views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 45–50, determine whether v and w are parallel, orthogonal, or neither. v = 3i - 5j, w = 6i - 10j192views
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 45–50, determine whether v and w are parallel, orthogonal, or neither. v = 3i - 5j, w = 6i + 10j215views1rank
Textbook QuestionIn Exercises 45–50, determine whether v and w are parallel, orthogonal, or neither. v = 3i - 5j, w = 6i + 18 j 5294views