Welcome back, everyone. So in this problem, we're going to graph these points that we were given: W, X, Y, and Z. We're given their ordered pairs, and then we're going to identify the quadrant of each one of these points. So let's get started. Now, remember, whenever you're given coordinates or ordered pairs, the two numbers, the first one corresponds to the x and the second one corresponds to the y. So the first thing you do is walk along the x-axis right or left, and then you go to the y-axis up or down. So let's get started.
For this first point, we have \( (1, -2) \). So, I have to walk along the x-axis to \( 1 \) over here, and then because I'm going into the negative, I have to go down to \( -2 \). And so, my points W ends up being over here. Let's go to the next one. X is \( (5, 2) \). That means \( 5 \) in the x, \( 2 \) in the y. So you walk along the x-axis to \( 5 \), that's over here, and now you go upwards because you're going positive, and both of them are positive. So you go up to the right and up, and that's going to be \( 2 \). So this is going to be your X coordinate.
So now about Y. Y is \( (-3, -4) \). So now, both these things are negative, so you're going to have to go into the left until you get to \( 3 \). So you're going left here, and then you're going to go down to \( -4 \), so it's down over here. So this is the point Y.
And then last but not least, we have the Z coordinate \( (-4, 3) \). So, now what we're going to do is you're going to go to the left to \( -4 \), and you're going to have to go up now \( 3 \). So \((1, 2, 3)\), and that's going to be your Z coordinates.
Alright! So this is all your coordinates. It's always going to be really helpful to familiarize yourself with the coordinate system and how to graph some points. So now we're just going to identify the quadrants of each one of these points over here.
So what about W? So remember the quadrants go, you start at Q1, that's Quadrant 1, and then you go counterclockwise, and then it goes in increasing order. So this is Quadrant 2, Quadrant 3, and Quadrant 4. So that means that the W coordinate, or the W point over here, is actually in Q4. So, this is going to be in Quadrant 4.
What about X? Well, X over here, we located X. X is this point, and this is clearly in Quadrant 1. That's the top right corner. Now what about Y? Y is in the lower-left, and that's Quadrant 3. So that's Quadrant 3. And then Z over here is going to be in these coordinates. So that is going to be the top left, which is in Quadrant 2.
So, hopefully, you got that right. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for watching.