Here are the essential concepts you must grasp in order to answer the question correctly.
Coordinate System
A coordinate system is a two-dimensional plane defined by a horizontal axis (x-axis) and a vertical axis (y-axis). Each point on this plane is represented by an ordered pair (x, y), where 'x' indicates the horizontal position and 'y' indicates the vertical position. Understanding this system is crucial for locating points and determining their respective quadrants.
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Intro to Polar Coordinates
The coordinate plane is divided into four quadrants, each defined by the signs of the x and y coordinates. Quadrant I contains points where both coordinates are positive, Quadrant II has a negative x and positive y, Quadrant III has both coordinates negative, and Quadrant IV has a positive x and negative y. Identifying the correct quadrant is essential for understanding the location of points.
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The axes in a coordinate system are the reference lines used to define the position of points. The x-axis runs horizontally, while the y-axis runs vertically. Points that lie directly on the axes have either an x-coordinate or a y-coordinate of zero, and understanding their significance helps in accurately identifying the location of points relative to the quadrants.
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