Hey, everyone. Whenever we're faced with estimating a parameter, like, say, mu, we can do so using a single point estimate like we see here. This may be something like, say, x-bar. Now, because our point estimate is rarely going to give us the exact value of the parameter we're trying to estimate, it could actually be more useful to come up with a range of values that our parameter is likely to fall within, rather than just a single point. Now, this range of values is exactly what we're going to talk about here.
This is referred to as a confidence interval. So here, we're gonna talk about what a confidence interval is, and we'll construct and interpret one together. And we'll, of course, look at all of the vocabulary and notation associated with that. So let's go ahead and get started. Now our ultimate goal here is to construct this range of values, this confidence interval, but before we get there, we're going to talk about a couple of other things first.
Let's take a look at part a of our example. Here, we're asked to find alpha for a 95% confidence interval. Now let's ignore alpha for a second. We're going to come right back to it and focus on this 95% confidence interval. Now, this 95% represents what's called our confidence level, and our confidence level is the probability that our confidence interval, that the range of values that we have, actually contains the parameter that we're trying to estimate.
Now, this can be any percentage; in this case, it's 95%, and looking at our curve down here, this then means that when we come up with this range of values with this confidence interval, we can then say that we are 95% confident that this range of values contains our parameter. Now this represents the area underneath my curve within this range of values because this is a probability. Now when working with confidence level, you'll often see it noted with a capital C, which is said to be equal to
So what actually is this alpha? Well, if C is equal to
It's the probability that our parameter actually falls outside of that interval. So in this case, alpha is equal to
Now alpha will become a more important leader as we'll actually end up using it to calculate z-scores associated with confidence intervals. But for now, let's move on to part b of our example. In part b, we're still working with this 95% confidence interval and we want to make a 95% confidence interval for a parameter y, given a point estimate
Now margin of error is the maximum likely amount of error. But for practical purposes here with our confidence interval, it is the distance between whatever our point estimate is and the endpoints of our confidence interval. So coming back down to our curve here, if this is my point estimate,
Again, that's our point estimate plus and minus our margin of error e. Now here, since we're explicitly given our point estimate and our margin of error, that means that we can then find the endpoints of our confidence interval. So, taking my point estimate here, 4, and subtracting 2, and also taking that point estimate 4 and adding 2, that's my margin of error. This then gives me my 2 endpoints here of 26. So these are the endpoints of my confidence interval.
But how can I actually interpret this result given these endpoints and this confidence level? When we were working with a point estimate, we could say that our parameter that we were working with, so in this case over here that that is
That's what our endpoints were found to be. And that's our full confidence interval. Now when working with confidence intervals, you can state your answer in slightly different notations, and you may see these depending on your textbook or your professor. Now the first is interval notation where you just write your 2 endpoints in parentheses. So that's your point estimate,
Just your 2 endpoints enclosed in parentheses there. Now you can also write this in its most compact form. That's your point estimate, so
And as we continue to work through problems, we're going to have to actually find this margin of error. And as we continue to work through this chapter, I'm gonna give you all the tools you need to solve all of these confidence interval problems. But for now, let's get a bit more practice with the basics of confidence intervals. I'll see you in the next video.