Okay. So now that we have all that background information out of the way, let's go over action potentials. So our neuron is going to start at what we call resting potential, which is when our neuron has an internal voltage of about -70 mV. And resting potential is exactly what it sounds like. Our neuron is basically just resting, it's not communicating, and it's not having an action potential yet.
So what's going to happen is as other neurons are trying to send us a signal, that basically bumps up the internal voltage of our neuron just a little bit. So every time a neuron is trying to be like, hey, hey, I have a little message for you, that's going to bump up the voltage of our neuron, and when our internal voltage reaches -55 mV, also known as threshold, that is when an action potential is going to occur. Alright, so -55 mV will basically trigger an action potential to fire. Now, an action potential is literally just a rapid change in voltage within our neuron, and we're going to go over what that change looks like in just one second and it's going to serve as the basis for neural signaling. Action potentials are basically the electrical change or the electrical communication that we see happening within our neurons, and one important thing to know about action potentials is that they are what we call an all or nothing event.
That basically means you either have an action potential or you don't. You can't have a weak one. You can't have a strong one. You can't have a half of one. If your neuron reaches -55 mV or threshold, it is going to fire an action potential and all action potentials are the exact same, like strength or magnitude.
All right, so we're going to go over what the actual sequence of an action potential looks like, or what that change in voltage looks like. So here we have this graph, as you can see, along the y-axis we have our membrane potential or the voltage, along the x-axis we have time, this is happening in milliseconds very quickly, of course, and along the top, we have our voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels. So you can see if those channels are closed or if they are open. As a reminder, purple is sodium, and pink is potassium. So basically what's going to happen is that change in voltage is going to be because of the flow of our sodium and potassium ions, and you'll see what that looks like in a second.
So I am going to first draw in our resting potential and threshold stage with purple here. So our neuron is going to start off at -70 mV at rest. As you can see at this stage both our sodium and potassium channels are closed so there's no ion movement. So we're starting off at resting potential and as other neurons are trying to communicate with us that is bumping our voltage up just a little bit up to about -55 mV. Of course, that is threshold and as you can see something very exciting happens at -55 mV.
That is when our voltage-gated sodium channels are going to open and that is going to trigger the first stage of our action potential, which is called depolarization. So basically what happens is when our sodium channels open, remember, opposites attract, so we have all these positively charged sodium ions in the fluid outside of our neuron and once that channel opens they're going to be very attracted to the inside of our neuron because it's very negatively charged right now. So we're going to have positively charged sodium ions rushing into our cell, and that is going to make our voltage more positive. So I'm going to draw this in with orange. So our voltage is going up up up all the way to about +30 mV.
Okay? So sodium has flooded into our cell and now our voltage is more positive. Now at +30 mV our voltage-gated sodium channels close, so sodium movement has stopped at that point, but our voltage-gated potassium channels open, and that is going to trigger the next phase of our action potential, which is called repolarization. So what's basically happening here is the voltage-gated potassium channel opens. Now at this point, the inside of our neuron is very positive. And remember, opposites attract, but like charges repel.
So all of the positively charged potassium inside of our neuron is like, you know, I don't want anything to do with this, basically. So once that channel is open, potassium is going to flood out of our cell. That positively charged space is no longer attractive for them, and as positively charged potassium ions leave, our voltage is going to become more negative. So I'm going to draw that in with blue, and our voltage is going to dip back down and get more and more negative. Now what's actually going to happen here is phase 3 of our action potential, which is called a refractory period, and during the refractory period, the voltage actually gets more negative than the resting potential.
So it's going to dip down to like -80 or -90 mV. So I'm just going to have it dip down like that with my green, and at this point, the potassium channels will close, so ion movement has completely stopped. Now the point of this refractory period is basically so that our neuron will take a break. So during this time, our neuron can't fire another action potential, so it's kind of like a little mandatory break period for our neuron in between action potentials. Okay, so we have that little refractory period where we are now more negative than rest and then very quickly our neuron will recover from that and go back to resting potential at -70 mV and again both of our voltage-gated, sodium, and potassium channels are closed at that time.
Alright, so that is the general sequence of an action potential. We start at rest, we get bumped up to threshold -55 mV, our cell or our neuron will get more positive, it will then get more negative, it will then dip very negative below resting potential very briefly, and then return to rest. Now I know that the terms depolarize and repolarize are not the most intuitive to remember. The way I always remember this back in undergrad was when I think polar, I think cold, so I kind of think, like, negative temperatures or negative voltage. So if we are depolarizing, we are basically getting warmer, or into the positive temperatures or positive voltage.
And then if we are repolarizing, we're basically getting colder again, back down to negative temperatures or negative voltage. So that's how I used to remember it. Hopefully, that is helpful to you as well. Okay. I did want to just quickly show you what this actually looks like as it travels through the neuron just kind of generally.
So basically what's happening with our neuron is that, again, it's, you know, it'll start at rest -70 mV, and then as other neurons are trying to send us signals that is going to bump up the internal voltage in the cell body and then we're going to hit threshold right about here, kind of where the cell body and axon meet. So we're going to hit threshold and then that, of course, will trigger an action potential. The voltage, the change in voltage of the action potential, is going to travel down the axon, down the axon terminals, and to the terminal button, and when it gets to that terminal button it's going to trigger the release of chemicals, and then that is going to basically kickstart the chemical communication that happens between neurons, and we're going to talk about that in our next video, so I will see you there. Bye-bye.