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09:33LPC vs. LMFT vs. LCSW - What Kind of Mental Health Professional Should You Become?Michael Joseph | Education, Careers, Finance347views
Multiple ChoiceAs we age, our eyes lose the ability to accommodate, causing many people to need reading classes. Which structure of the eye is likely affected?43views1rank
Multiple Choice_____ is the process of converting outside stimuli, such as light, into neural activity.482views3rank
Multiple Choice_____ cells have a single dendrite at one end and a single axon at the other.442views5rank
Multiple ChoiceDominique is making a rice dish for 5 people that requires 4 teaspoons of salt. If she were to add just one more teaspoon of salt to the rice after tasting it, half of the time she would be able to notice a difference. If Dominique decides to triple her recipe to feed 15 people, which would call for a total of 12 teaspoons of salt, how many teaspoons of salt would need to be added for a person to be able to taste the difference half of the time?400views
Multiple ChoiceWhen Consuela first put on her scarf, she could feel it quite easily. After a while, however, Consuela forgot that she was wearing a scarf at all; the sensation was gone. Which of the following processes is occurring?361views
Multiple ChoiceFenhua got into his car and turned on the radio. He turned the volume up to a comfortable level. After a few minutes of driving, however, the once-comfortable level seemed to be too low, so Fenhua turned up the volume. What has happened?351views
Multiple ChoiceThe term _____ refers to stimuli that are below the level of conscious awareness.472views
Multiple ChoiceThe _____ is the lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50 percent of the time that the stimulation is present.650views
Multiple ChoiceThe tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant, unchanging information is known as908views
Multiple ChoiceMany people believe that some stimuli act upon the unconscious mind and influence behavior, a process called369views
Multiple Choice_____ is the way the brain deals with unchanging information from the environment.395views
Multiple ChoiceIf a researcher finds that one drop of perfume diffused through a three-room apartment is the minimum amount of stimuli needed to notice the scent, then this would be a test of one's372views
Multiple ChoiceLight bends as it passes through substances of different densities, a process known as373views
Multiple ChoiceFull dark adaptation, such as going from constant light to sudden darkness when turning out one's bedroom lights, takes about _____ minutes.383views
Multiple ChoiceMateo has trouble seeing colors because the cones in his eyes do not work properly. When Mateo does see color, he sees primarily in blues, yellows, and shades of gray and confuses reds and greens. Mateo suffers from363views
Multiple ChoiceAccording to the textbook, _____ have greater odds of inheriting color-deficient vision than _____.359views
Multiple Choice_____ occurs as the eye recovers its ability to see when going from a brightly lit state to a dark state.338views
Multiple ChoiceWever and Bray theorized that groups of auditory neurons take turns firing in a process called501views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following sounds is least likely to be interpreted by the brain as a high pitch?320views
Multiple ChoicePeople who have difficulty with their hearing are said to be either totally or partially302views
Multiple ChoiceWhen you smell an odor, which aspect of the substance that you are smelling actually enters your nose to create the sensation of smell?414views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhile everyone else seemed to be enjoying the snack mix at the party, Nefeli was unable to eat it, noting that it was just 'too seasoned for my taste.' Based solely on her comment, one could probably assume that Nefeli331views
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following foods would most likely produce a brothy, or umami, taste?424views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIn 1996, Lindemann proposed a fifth primary receptor that detects which type of taste?345views
Multiple ChoiceAs many as 50 to 80 percent of people who have had amputations experience a condition called390views
Multiple ChoiceWhen you close your eyes and raise your hand above your head, you know where your hand is because of1240views
Multiple ChoiceThe _____ sense is the body process that is mostly to blame if you become dizzy after a long ride on a carousel at the amusement park.399views
Multiple ChoiceWhile on active duty in the army, Chris was involved in a serious accident that led to the amputation of his leg. Though his leg is no longer there, Chris still reports feeling burning and tingling in his missing limb. Chris is most likely experiencing396views
Multiple ChoiceDuring her flight to Chicago, Ariel's plane experienced severe turbulence. As a result, Ariel became sick to her stomach. Ariel's sickness may be best explained by381views
Multiple ChoiceOne week ago Terry stepped on a nail while walking around barefoot in her yard. The spot where the skin was punctured still hurts, reminding her to take it easy on her foot. The soreness Terry is experiencing is known as _____ pain.322views
Multiple ChoiceCooking grease splatters John while he is making breakfast, and he quickly jumps away from the stove. The pain he experiences is best described as _____ pain.309views
Multiple ChoiceA person will perceive a coin as a circle, even if it is held at an angle to appear to the eye as an oval, because of716views
Multiple ChoiceWhile on a class field trip, Erika was mistakenly guided away from her group because she was standing closer to students from another class. The rule of perception to which this mix-up may best relate is409views
Multiple ChoiceThe _____ focus on human perception can still be seen in basic principles of perception today.308views
Multiple ChoicePeople who are blind from birth, but later have their sight restored, are unlikely to develop582views
Multiple Choice______ is the rotation of the two eyes in their sockets to focus on a single object.331views
Multiple ChoiceRandy and Ahmed are both listening to the same music. Randy thinks the music is mellow and relaxing, while Ahmed thinks the music is unpleasant to the ear. Randy and Ahmed appear to have different _____ when it comes to the music they are listening to.296views
Multiple ChoiceThe use of preexisting knowledge to organize individual features into a unified whole is known as643views
Multiple ChoiceWhy is it that people who live in Western cultures are more susceptible to the Müller-Lyer illusion than those who do not?331views
Multiple ChoiceA child may see a dog and say, 'Cat!' because both animals have fur. When corrected, the child may change the scheme for cat to 'furry' and 'pointy ears.' This is an example of334views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThree-year-old Rosalie loves Kewpie dolls, so she decides to give one to her mother for a birthday present. Rosalie's behaivor demonstrates331views
Multiple ChoiceJean Piaget proposed that children become able to deal effectively with abstract concepts during the _____ stage of cognitive development.402views
Multiple ChoiceIn an effort to understand what it means to be a girl, Maria creates the schema that all girls have long hair. When Maria meets Jared, a boy in her preschool who has long hair, Maria becomes confused. Maria's confusion may be due to a process Jean Piaget called362views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhile talking with his Grandma on the phone, little Marcelo suddenly exclaims, 'Oh, look at that pretty red bird!' When his grandmother asks him to describe the bird, Marcelo says, 'Out there, out there! Right there, Grandma!' He finally gets frustrated and hangs up. This is an example of671views1rank
Multiple ChoiceBy the end of Jean Piaget's sensorimotor stage, infants have fully developed a sense of703views
Multiple ChoiceIn Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, _____ refers to the inability of a young child to mentally reverse an action.583views
Multiple ChoiceSeeing a dog for the first time, Kenetra—whose family owns a cat—points and says "cat." Jean Piaget would say this is an example of328views
Multiple ChoiceA 4-year-old watches her caregiver pour liquid from a short, wide glass into a tall, thin glass. She believes that there is now more liquid in the tall glass than there was in the short glass. Her conclusion is an example of322views
Multiple ChoiceFive-year-old Johnny stole a piece of candy from the grocery store. Because he was not punished for stealing the candy, he believes it is okay to steal again. Johnny is in which stage of moral development?328views
Multiple ChoiceGames such as peek-a-boo are important for infants because they help babies develop352views
Multiple ChoiceIn a social situation, an American may display anger outwardly by shouting or banging on a table, but a Japanese person may not show anger outwardly at all and remain calm. This is an example of246views
Multiple ChoiceCulture-specific ways of regulating expressions of emotion in social settings are known as283views
Multiple ChoiceA study showed that Japanese students associated the subjective emotion of happiness with feelings of friendliness and social engagement. The study demonstrated an aspect of processing emotion in a(n) _____ culture.251views1rank
Multiple ChoicePersonality may be defined as the sum total of who you are and the unique ways that you think, feel, and1032views
Multiple ChoiceEarly psychoanalysts who broke away from a strict interpretation of psychoanalytic theory were called660views
Multiple ChoiceAlfred Adler believed that the defense mechanism of compensation is used by individuals who973views
Multiple Choice_____ believed that there was not only a personal unconscious, but a collective unconscious as well.300views
Multiple ChoiceCarl Jung, unlike Sigmund Freud, believed that _____ held much more than personal fears, urges, and memories.438views
Multiple ChoiceAccording to Alfred Adler, humans' driving force is not the pursuit of pleasure but the pursuit of307views