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Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following correctly summarizes what we currently understand about infant’s phoneme discrimination abilities?25views
Multiple ChoiceWhich developmental stage occurs in infancy and involves combining consonant and vowel sounds.26views
Multiple ChoiceThe idea of a sensitive period for language learning was first introduced as a part of which theory of language acquisition?18views2rank
Multiple ChoiceIn order for people to be able to tell you how many televisions they have in their house, they would probably use a(n)377views2rank
Multiple ChoicePET scans show areas of the _____ being activated during the process of forming an image.353views1rank
Multiple Choice_____ form as the result of people's experiences with concepts in the real world.376views
Multiple ChoiceResearch suggests that _____ affect the person's prototype for that category.348views1rank
Multiple ChoiceA(n) _____ refers to a type of schema that involves a familiar sequence of activities.379views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAs Carol sat at her workstation and daydreamed about being at the beach, she could actually see in her mind the sand, the water, and the blue sky. Carol was creating a _____ of the beach.318views1rank
Multiple ChoiceVegetables, fruit, vehicles, and animals are all examples of _____, or categories of objects.403views1rank
Multiple ChoiceDerrick lives in the rugged mountains, so whenever he hears the word vehicle, the first thing that comes to mind is a jeep. For Derrick, a jeep is a(n) _____ for vehicle.312views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWilliam's alarm clock went off, and he knew what he had to do. In waking up and getting ready for class in the morning, William would most likely follow a(n)316views1rank
Multiple ChoiceA boy and his father are in a car crash. The father is killed, and the boy is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor says, "I cannot operate on this boy. He's my son!" How is this possible? If a person thinks about this problem without using a particular method, and the answer just comes to them after a period of time, the person solved this problem with491views
Multiple ChoiceErik dropped a note under his car seat and could not find it. He looked all through the glove compartment for a flashlight so that he could get a better look under his seat. He later realized he could have just held his cell phone under the seat to help illuminate the area. This is an example of297views1rank
Multiple ChoicePeople who believe that aliens have come to Earth may disregard evidence that crop circles are human-made. This is an example of308views1rank
Multiple ChoiceYou are vacuuming the floor when the vacuum cleaner suddenly stops working. You dump the contents of the vacuum, thinking it may be too full. It does not start. You remove the plug and replace it, pushing it in as far as it can go. Still nothing. You take the plug and put it into a different wall socket. It works! You have solved the problem of the malfunctioning vacuum cleaner by using286views1rank
Multiple ChoiceSabrina's statistics instructor assigns math homework every week that requires Sabrina to solve mathematical problems using formulas. Sabrina is making use of what method of problem solving to complete her statistics homework?286views2rank
Multiple ChoiceMarion was asked to come up with a new slogan for her school's psychology club. At first thought, nothing came to mind. Then suddenly, 'Aha!' The perfect slogan became apparent to Marion, but she was not consciously aware of how she figured it out. Your 'aha!' moment is called277views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAlyssa has to write a research paper discussing the effects of video games on child behavior. Alyssa believes that video games lead to bad behavior in children, and only finds research that supports her views. Alyssa's inability to find information that supports more than her viewpoint is a demonstration of289views1rank
Multiple ChoiceOne barrier to innovative problem solving is persisting in using techniques that have been successful in the past. This is called307views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIf an instructor was referring to a stream during a lecture, a student's mental image is likely to be358views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhich of the following images is the best example of a prototype for a fruit?303views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThe _____ involves estimating the likelihood of an event based on how easy it is to recall relevant information from memory.333views1rank
Multiple Choice_____ can help us interpret or deal with new information or events that we have never encountered.263views1rank
Multiple ChoiceLatisha's new puppy cries each night when left in her crate. When Latisha picks up the puppy and holds her to her chest, the puppy stops crying and falls asleep. However, after she puts the puppy back in the crate, the crying begins again. After a few nights, Latisha suddenly realizes that her heartbeat is helping the dog fall asleep. She places a ticking clock next to the crate, and the puppy goes right to sleep at night. Latisha's realization is an example of269views1rank
Multiple ChoiceWhen solving a problem, Celeste is hesitant or unable to think beyond solutions that have worked in the past. Celeste is stuck in283views1rank
Multiple ChoiceEven after her girlfriends reported seeing her boyfriend Jeff out at clubs with other women, Jackie continues to believe her boyfriend and her friends who say the women are just old neighborhood friends. This is an example of286views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThe term _____ refers to the mental activity that takes place in the brain when a person is processing information, and includes things such as problem solving, communication, and organization of material.306views1rank
Multiple ChoiceTerry exhibits extraordinary musical ability. According to Spearman, this is an example of _____ intelligence.288views2rank
Multiple ChoiceAccording to Sternberg's theory, _____ intelligence is measured in academic achievement tests.275views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAccording to Goleman, _____ is a more powerful influence on success in life than more traditional views of intelligence.305views1rank
Multiple ChoiceSamantha does really well with managing her own emotions, as well as recognizing and understanding the emotions of others around her. It could be said that Samantha has a high level of291views2rank
Multiple ChoiceYou are taking the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and come to a question that requires you to recall a mixed list of numbers in correct ascending order. You are being tested for334views1rank
Multiple ChoiceKeneisha is only 11 years old, but she can answer questions that most 15 year olds can answer. Fifteen is Keneisha's377views1rank
Multiple ChoiceBrian is 25 years old and wants to take an intelligence test. Which of the following tests would be best for Brian to complete?326views1rank
Multiple ChoiceShelly took the Stanford-Binet test at age 10 and scored a mental age of 13. Using Stern's formula, her IQ is318views2rank
Multiple ChoiceDr. Armen gives to his students a test that assesses their learning styles. Two weeks later, Dr. Armen gives the same test to the same students to see if the results remain consistent. Dr. Armen appears to be interested in the _____ of the test.301views1rank
Multiple ChoiceDovorah has deficits in her cognitive functioning. These limitations were not really recognized until she got to school and her learning difficulties became apparent. As an adult, she is a fairly concrete thinker, although she is capable of living independently with a small amount of regular assistance. Dovorah is probably best described as suffering from _____ intellectual disability.305views1rank
Multiple ChoiceDaria has an IQ score of 160. Based on her IQ score alone, Daria could be considered1027views2rank
Multiple Choice'Michael painted the picture' and 'the picture was painted by Michael' have the same semantic meaning but different250views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIn some languages, changing the _____ of a spoken word can change its entire meaning.289views1rank
Multiple ChoiceDerrick was given a test where he had to identify morphemes. In one particular case, he was asked to identify the number of morphemes in the word rescuer. If Derrick answered correctly, he was able to identify _____ morpheme(s).313views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThe rhythm and emphasis of communicating is part of which language structure?266views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThe system of rules for combining words and phrases to form grammatically correct sentences is782views2rank
Multiple ChoiceFive-year old Jordan is seeing a speech therapist in his preschool once a week because he has difficulty saying the 'r' sound in his own name. When he says his name, people think it sounds like 'jaw-dun.' From a language perspective, Jordan is having difficulty with a specific277views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAccording to Noam Chomsky, humans have an innate ability to understand and produce language through1001views1rank
Multiple ChoicePiaget noted that preschool children spent a great deal of time talking to themselves, even when playing together, and that the 'conversations' had nothing to do with the speech of the children around them. He called this process367views1rank
Multiple ChoiceThree-year-old Jamal is learning how to wait his turn to talk during circle time in preschool. Jamal is learning the _____ of language.303views
Multiple ChoiceWhorf used the now-famous example of the many words Inuits use for snow to support the299views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAccording to linguist Noam Chomsky, a language acquisition device (LAD) is670views1rank
Multiple ChoiceNear the end of one's _____, oil glands in the neck and around the eyes begin to malfunction, contributing to wrinkles in those areas.186views
Multiple ChoiceThe changes that people who menstruate experience 5 to 10 years prior to menopause are167views
Multiple ChoiceIn Erik Erikson's view, unfinished issues of identity lead to _____ in young adulthood.207views
Multiple ChoiceDuring the intimacy-versus-isolation stage of psychosocial development, Erik Erikson thought the primary task to be220views
Multiple ChoiceErik Erikson believed that during late adulthood, people engage in a process called188views
Multiple ChoiceSylvia is a middle-aged woman who volunteers as a youth coordinator at her church and as a Girl Scout leader. She is developing what Erik Erikson referred to as191views
Multiple ChoiceWhich behavior is a type of physiological arousal the body may exhibit due to experiencing an emotion?332views
Multiple ChoiceWhich part of the brain is associated with emotions, such as fear and pleasure, in both humans and animals?717views
Multiple ChoiceAccording to research conducted byJoe LeDoux and colleagues, emotional stimuli travel to the brain through both a fast, crude subcortical 'low road' and through a slower 'high road' for processing by the270views
Multiple ChoiceAccording to Joe LeDoux's research, it is possible that people with emotional disorders may be processing stimuli mainly through the _____ route, resulting in difficulty or inability to control emotions or override fears.305views
Multiple ChoiceToday, Sigmund Freud's concept of _____ remains useful in clinical psychology.236views