07:43Four Lobes of the Brain Mnemonics (Memorable Neurology Lecture 1)Memorable Psychiatry and Neurology1824views2rank
11:03Parts of the Brain: Forebrain; Cerebral Cortex (Intro Psych Tutorial #35)PsychExamReview305views
Multiple ChoiceOne treatment for severe epilepsy is to surgically sever the connection between the hemispheres of the cerebrum. What structure is severed in this procedure?36views
Multiple ChoiceBroca’s area is responsible for _________, while Wernicke’s area is responsible for ________.38views
Multiple ChoiceWithin the homunculus, what does a larger area on the primary motor cortex correspond to?37views1rank
Multiple ChoiceDarius has been diagnosed with a tumor that affects the right side of his visual field. The tumor is most likely in which lobe of Darius's brain?366views
Multiple ChoiceThe _____ lobes are responsible for higher mental processes such as complex decision making.371views
Multiple ChoiceIn the condition called _____, a person with damage to the right parietal and occipital lobes of the cortex will ignore everything in the left visual field.329views
Multiple ChoiceAdeline's mother suffered a stroke. Since then, she sometimes says strange things such as, "I need to go to the store to buy some canaries," when she means to say that she needs groceries. Adeline's mother seems to be suffering from320views
Multiple ChoiceIn an attempt to ask for water, Josh, who recently experienced a stroke, said, 'I … dot dink … otter.' Josh seems to be suffering from337views
Multiple ChoiceAreas in the cortex that make connections between sensory information coming into the brain and stored memories, images, and knowledge are known as328views
Multiple ChoiceRoger Sperry was looking for a cure for which disease when researching differentiation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain?362views
Multiple ChoiceScientists have learned a great deal about the specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain by studying358views
Multiple ChoiceOne could say that the _____ hemisphere of the brain is like a structuralist, who wants to break everything down into its smallest parts; and the _____ side of the brain is like a Gestaltist, who wants to study only the whole.377views
Multiple ChoiceAmong right-handed people, _____ have their left hemisphere also in control of speech.388views