04:34Interpersonal Attraction: Why are we attracted to some people but not others?Patricia Jenkinson356views
Multiple ChoiceLashonda is a gifted pianist and is looking for a dating partner who also loves music. Lashonda is focusing on which factor of interpersonal attraction?257views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAfter Dawn realized that Samson was attracted to her, she suddenly became very attracted to him. This example is based on which rule of attraction?249views1rank
Multiple Choice_____ is one of the main factors that influence people's choices for selecting someone they want to know better.260views1rank
Multiple Choice_____ love, based on many years of shared responsibilities and experiences, is what binds many long-term relationships together.247views
Multiple ChoiceCollege students reported that they liked another student simply because they were told that the other student liked them. This is an example of which rule of attraction?243views
Multiple ChoiceShawn and Tanya start talking after they have ridden on the dorm elevator several times together. This is an example of which principle of attraction?255views