Alright, so for this one, first we're going to be answering which of these two waves has a higher frequency, and remember, frequency is just the number of wave cycles that we see per second or the number of peaks that we can see per second. So looking at answer choice A, we can only see 2 peaks, so that's probably pretty low frequency, and then over here, answer choice B, I'm not even going to bother counting them because what we can tell is it's definitely more than 2, right? So, it looks like answer choice B has a higher frequency there.
Alright, and then down here, we're going to be looking at these two waves to figure out which one has a lower amplitude. Amplitude literally just being the height of the waves. And just looking at them really easily, just visually, I can see that B has higher waves than answer choice A, and so A is going to be our lower amplitude wave there.
Alright, I will see you guys in our next one. Bye bye.