Okay, so for this example, we have 2 pathways here tracking a signal through the nervous system and we're going to be filling in the blanks with the words sensory or motor. So for this first pathway, we are starting in the brain and then traveling to the spinal cord so we're starting off in the CNS then we're going into some type of neuron and then following that a muscle fiber contract. And so if it is enacting some kind of motor response it must have been a motor neuron, right? Alright, so for this next pathway we are starting off with some kind of sensory stimuli. Let's just say we touch a hot stove that goes to some type of neuron and then that signal travels to the spinal cord and then the brain, so up to the CNS.
And so, if we are receiving some type of sensory stimuli that must have been a sensory neuron. Alright, so those are two examples of signals that can get sent in the nervous system and I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye bye.