Alright, so for this example we're going to be looking at these situations and basically deciding what type of explicit memory they are, so if they are episodic or semantic. So the first one is remembering your 12th birthday. That is an event that happened to you or an episode in your life. Right? So that would be an episodic memory.
B is knowing the quadratic formula. I know that got grilled into me in ninth grade, and that is factual knowledge. So that would be under our semantic memory. C is memories of your childhood dog. That, again, is something that happened to you personally, so that would be an episodic memory.
D is knowing the main character of Pride and Prejudice, good old Lizzie Bennet. Right? And that is a fact. The actual main character of that book would be factual information, so that would fall under semantic memory. It is important to note that you could have episodic memories of reading Pride and Prejudice.
The memories of you reading it and how you felt about it would be episodic but your factual knowledge about that book would be considered semantic memories. Just kind of a little distinction there. And then, E, we have the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, something that I think everyone who goes through the US education system has memorized. Right? And that is factual, so that would go under our semantic memory.
Alright. So there you guys have it, and I will see you in the next one. Bye bye.