Okay. So for this example, I want you to think about the last thirty days or so and then write an example of a situation that could have been appraised as either a threat or a challenge. So we're going to be thinking of stressors in situations that are high performance, high stakes, or competitive environments. So my example here is a public speaking event. Now I'm cheating a little bit.
This did not happen to me. It happened to my husband, so I did not deal with the stressor personally. But with this, so he's a social psychologist. He was talking about his research at a nearby university, and obviously, it was a very high performance, high stakes situation for him. And so if that situation had felt really overwhelming and he felt very ill-prepared for it, he probably would have gone into it with more of a threat mindset.
So thinking things like, "Oh my god. I'm going to mess up. I'm going to look stupid in front of everybody," etc. But if this was something that he felt like he definitely could tackle might lead to some great opportunities, then that would lead to more of a challenge mindset. That would lead to thoughts like, "I'm really going to showcase my research."
Maybe I'll even get some new collaborators. You know? This is a chance for me to kind of show off my skills and what I've been doing. And he did great. So I'm sure he approached it with that challenge mindset.
Alright. So there is our example, and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye bye.