Okay, so based on what we know about hemispheric specialization as well as contralateral control, determine if the left or right hemisphere would be more active for each of the actions listed below. First up, we have learning a new language, and for most people, the left hemisphere tends to be more dominant when it comes to language. So we're going to just circle left there. The next one is kicking a soccer ball with your left leg, and because of that contralateral or opposite side control, if we're kicking with our left leg, it is actually the right side of the brain controlling that movement. So we'll circle right.
The next is painting a landscape, and in general, the right side of our brain seems to get used a little bit more for creative pursuits like art. So we're going to circle right there. Finally, we have squinting through a keyhole with your right eye, and again, because of that contralateral control, that movement would be getting handled by the left side of the brain. Alright? So there is our example, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye-bye.