Alright. So we're going to be answering a few questions about Circadian Rhythms. Question A reads, "2 structures are important for regulating the circadian rhythm: the suprachiasmatic nucleus or the SCN, and the pineal gland. Which of these structures receives a neural impulse from the eyes?" So between these two structures, the one that is going to respond to external cues, like for example, darkness or lack of light, is going to be our suprachiasmatic nucleus, or the SCN.
This is a structure within our hypothalamus that responds to both external and internal cues that signal that it's going to be time for us to go to sleep soon. Alright, question B reads, "Which structure is responsible for releasing hormones?" Now, a kind of easy way to remember this is that hormones often get released from glands, right, and only one of these two structures is a gland. So, we're going to have our pineal gland releasing our sleep hormones. Alright, and then question C reads "What hormone is released by this structure?" and the pineal gland is going to be releasing melatonin.
I'm sure many of you have heard of melatonin, in relation to sleep. We can even take melatonin supplements to help us feel sleepy and wind down. Right? Alright. So there you have it, and I will see you guys in the next one.
Bye bye.