All right, so for each of these statements here we're going to say whether it describes language or communication, and we're going to place it in the correct spot on our Venn diagram here. And this is going to be super easy, right? Because we know that only humans use language and all other types of animals use communication systems. So A says that bees perform a waggle dance to direct other bees to pollen. We know that that has to be communication, right?
They're not humans. So, we'll put A there. B is a parent and teenager discussing the pros and cons of different college majors. Definitely sounds like humans, right?
So, we'll put a B there. Also worth noting that here we can see the abstract feature of human language where they're talking about basically hypotheticals for the child's future, pros and cons; those are intangible things. And again, that's a unique feature of human languages. And then C, we have vervet monkeys using different calls to warn colony mates of specific predators. Not humans, so that is going to be a type of communication.
Alright, there you guys have it and I'll see you in the next one. Bye bye!