Okay, so for our situation here we're going to be basically just labeling our unconditioned stimulus, our unconditioned response, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, and our conditioned response. Then when we're done, we're going to be putting a star on the box that represents the phase where learning is taking place. So, beginning over here with this green box, it looks like we have some food and our cat is responding very excitedly to that food. And this would represent that our food would be an unconditioned or an unlearned stimulus, right?
And then the cat responding to it is going to be our unconditioned response. So these are both unlearned, right? The cat does not need to learn how to respond to food; that is something that is innate within that animal. So those are our unlearned stimuli and our unlearned response, basically. And then we also have a can opener.
And to a cat a can opener is completely neutral, right? That is a meaningless piece of stimuli. So you can see we have our neutral stimulus here, our can opener, and it is not eliciting any response in our cat. We have no response here. Now moving over here, you can see we're beginning to pair our two types of stimuli.
So our labels are going to be the exact same, that can opener is a neutral stimulus; we are pairing that neutral stimulus with our unconditioned stimulus, and then that unconditioned stimulus is still producing that unconditioned response. And we're going to do that over and over and over until eventually the cat is now responding to this can opener. So learning has taken place. So this can opener is now a learned stimulus or a conditioned stimulus. So our neutral stimulus has become a conditioned stimulus and then that conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response, right?
And again, this response is basically the same one that we saw before. Our terminology has just changed because learning has taken place. Now, in order to think about which box represents the phase where learning is taking place, that is going to be this box here where we are pairing our two types of stimuli together. Right? Our acquisition phase, or those trials where we're pairing our two types of stimuli and basically teaching the animal that the presence of this stimulus predicts the presence of that stimulus.
And that is what eventually will come to elicit that conditioned response over time. Alright. So there you have it, and I will see you guys in our next one. Bye bye.