Alright, so for the following situations, we're going to be writing an m if that situation would be processed by our primary motor cortex and an s if it would get processed by our primary somatosensory cortex. So our first one is: a feather is brushed across your face, that, of course, would be a touch sensation which would get processed by our primary somatosensory cortex.
B is you slip a ring off of your finger; that would be a voluntary movement, right? So that's going to get processed by our motor cortex. C, if you notice that you have a stomachache, and like we talked about, we can have sensation in many of our organs, particularly pain sensation, and that would get processed by our primary somatosensory cortex.
D is you stir a pot of soup, another voluntary motor function, so that would be our motor cortex. And then finally, we feel the heat of a fire, that is going to be a touch sensation related to temperature, of course, which would get processed by our primary somatosensory cortex. Alright, there you have it, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye bye.