Alright, so here we have three descriptions of structures in the limbic system and we're going to be figuring out what structure they are describing. So our first one is that this structure is important for processing emotions, especially fear. So, if we are thinking about processing emotional responses, particularly those involving fear, that is going to be our amygdala.
Alright, our next one reads, this structure regulates functions such as temperature, hunger, and hormone levels. So, if we see the word temperature remember our little memory tip, "My hypothalamus prevents me from getting hypothermia," right?
So that is going to be our hypothalamus. Remember, that structure is really important for basically survival responses, so things like responding to hunger cues or changes in temperature in your environment. Just things that help keep you alive basically.
And then finally, reads that this structure aids in spatial navigation and memory. And if we are thinking about memory, it's definitely going to be our hippocampus, right?
So, remember, if you saw a hippo on campus, you would definitely remember that. Alright. There you go and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye bye.