Alright. So Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that involves impairment of the function of the basal ganglia. So basically, our basal ganglia are not functioning properly. Based on this description, what kinds of symptoms would you expect to see in Parkinson's disease? So, if our basal ganglia is not functioning correctly, what we might see is that we are unable to inhibit antagonistic or unwanted movement.
So, we're going to be having some unwanted movement like tremors, for example. So some unwanted or unintentional movement from the person. If our basal ganglia is impacted in some way we may also have difficulty with things like starting and stopping movement. Right? So, like, purposeful inaction of movement might get interrupted.
So I'll just write difficulty to start and stop movement. Okay, and both of these symptoms are really prominent in patients who have Parkinson's disease. They basically begin to slowly kind of just lose motor control, lose the ability to smoothly begin and end movements, as well as they begin to have like tremors and unwanted movements. Alright? So I'll see you guys in our next one.
Bye bye.